Chapter 24

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-Fake Friend-

We've been here in California for several days and now we have a couple more days to go

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We've been here in California for several days and now we have a couple more days to go.  We have had a great time enjoying the sun, sand, sea and besides my aunt is very funny and always has ideas about what to do.

Now we are sunbathing a bit, Sabrina is playing with the sand and she looks very cute. Instead I am listening to the song "He Don't Know You - Ryan McCartan" which makes a lot of sense to me and also has a good rhythm.

At that moment my phone interrupts the song, it's a message from Chris, now what the hell it's going on? When I'm already forgetting about him, he shows up and ruins everything.


Hi Sarah, how are you doing?

Now what did he want?

I have no choice so I answer.


Very good, and you?

Take a few minutes and I reply.


Everything is good. Sarah ... I have to tell you something, because we are best friends and friends…say everything right?


What do you mean?


There's something I didn't tell you... and I think you should know


Just say it

I'm irritated that he thinks so much about it.


I have a girlfriend



I'm happy for you


I thought you would react in another way

If what he intended was to get bothered with him, he's totally wrong, but pathetically at the thought of those little tears rolling down my cheeks.


Of course not, it's okay. I have a boyfriend too, his name is Peter

And it's the truth, my aunt suggested that to forget one person you should look for another to distract yourself and make you forget the things done to you and maybe even fall in love with the person who really loves you.

After that talk I remembered a classmate that I had many years ago, he told me that he liked me and wanted to be my boyfriend but I replied that I was not interested in that to which he replied that when I feel ready to call him, so that's what I did.  I don't really know if I like him or not, it's funny and everything but I don't know...


My girlfriend's name is Samantha. And How long have you been with him? Why didn't you tell me?  Where did you meet?

So he wants to play in that way, we will then see who plays better.


I could ask the same

After that message he no longer replies. I guess he finally understood that he can't meddle in other people's business. When he was with me, when did he care?  And now that I'm not with him anymore, he starts to care. How ironic life is.

In the evening I get a call from Peter.

—Hello?—I pick up not very enthusiastic

—Hi pretty, how are you doing?


—I'm glad, what are you doing?—He sounds quite happy that I think he doesn't even notice that I'm not in the mood to talk right now.

—Nothing—I say instinctively observing my nails

—Well, when you get back, do you think we can go out?

—Yes, sure

—Well that was it, Goodbye Kisses—he gives up trying to generate a better conversation between us

—Bye—I hang up and tell myself how cold I am. I guess I should give Peter a chance, we'll see what happens.

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