Chapter 6

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Just as Pitbull - the host, came on the stage, Miley & I took our seats in the front row. Demi and the guys were backstage getting ready for their performances. I wondered why Miley wasn't with them, I mean don't get me wrong I love her and the company, but I didn't want her to be rushing for her performance. "Miles, how come your not getting ready for your performance?", I questioned confused.
"My performance is one of the last ones. I'm nominated for a few awards anyways, so if I win what sense would it make to backstage getting ready, ya know?", she replied. "Why you trying to get rid of me or something?", Miley teased. I smirked and gave her look as if she was right on point. "Oh shut up, Y/N! You know you love me, you can't deny it.", Miley laughed before nudging my shoulder.
I started to laugh with her before the room grew darker and familiar music filled my ears. Me and Miley were goofing off so much I didn't even hear them announce One Direction to perform. No wonder the screams of teenage girls everywhere was ringing in my ears.
The screen came up and there they were, about to sing Story Of My Life. Miley and I cheered a bit when Harry started his opening note. "Written in these walls are the stories that I can't explain.", he sang so effortlessly, and deep. After the rest of his lines, the little circle that they were in had shifted as they moved so Liam could be in front to sing his part. "She told me in the morning, she don't feel the same about us in her bones." The five young men standing in front of me were all so talented.
Moving around to where Harry & Liam once stood, the only thing that seemed to matter at the moment, Zayn lowly started singing. Bringing me chills but then remembering I still had his jacket wrapped around my shoulders. I wasn't cold no, I was hopelessly in love with him. His voice, it was so low yet he could make these high notes that make you shiver, he sang with such passion and feeling that you would never know he had. It was breathtaking... he was breathtaking. My thoughts completely taking over my mind, I hadn't had time to actually enjoy his solo. Because next thing I knew, Harry came back with the chorus.
Leaving my thoughts behind, I just enjoyed the performance and sang along with each other boy. Niall sang, and soon after Liam once again. Louis poured his soul out into his own part, making him look so concentrated until of course he made a silly face at the end, letting you know not to take him too seriously. My favorite part came when Zayn sang as the music slowed, before Niall sang completely in almost an utter silence with just the few strums of a guitar in the distance. The music picked up again, as all five band members joined together singing the chorus. I look over at Miley, only to see her looking at me already. Being the weird friends we are, we held eachother pretending to cry. We both looked up to see Zayn giving a dirty glance to someone while Harry finshed out the song.
"The story of my life."
The building erupted into screams and cheers mostly from the fangirls lucky enough to come, and of course me. Although, there were lots of sophisticated people around me scolding me for being so unprofessional, its just a big concert. If there weren't fans here, then who would cheer for the performances. All everyone here does is clap before and after. No enthusiasm whatsoever. It's sad to be honest.
The main thing on my mind though was what was that look that Zayn gave? And who was it for? I looked around at everyone seated to see if there was anyone, he might have mentioned he had beef with. Before I could really get a look at everyone, Miley tugged on my arm for me to sit back down. "The boys should be back out here in a few. Demi is gonna be on after the next commercial break.", Miley explained. "Then you can give Zayn a big ole' kiss!", she grinned knowing I do that after every single one of his performances.
I laughed at her statement and decided to tease her back. "Yeah, well are you going to give your big ole' kiss to Harry..?", I gave her a wicked smile. Her mouth dropped open and her eyes glared into mine. She finally closed her mouth and rolled her eyes and shook her head.
Miley doesn't have feelings for Harry, I just tease them about being single and not giving eachother a shot. Miley just claims she's done with guys from bands, and Harry just isn't into her I guess. Well, I tried. Just as she was about to make what I know would be a smart ass comment, Niall came strutting down the isle with Harry beside him laughing. Louis, Zayn & Liam following right behind the two youngest band members.
Zayn's eyes met mine and my grin became wider. He chuckled a bit and licked his lips. "Great job guys!", I said enthusiastically to them as they passed by me to sit down. Liam being on the end next to Harry, who was on the right of Niall. Zayn sitting next me, leaving Louis in between Zayn & Niall. "Thanks, Y/N.", Liam spoke. I sent him a small smile for acknowledging me.
Zayn's tattooed arm came around the back of my seat as his fingers twirled a piece of my hair that was sitting on his suit blazer. I look over to his smirking face. "What?", I giggled. "Where's my kiss love?", he smirked even more after his question made me laugh. I let my laughter die down before locking lips with him. Butterflies erupted into my stomach and I felt as though it were the first time we kissed; so powerful and so right. I smiled into the kiss and pecked his lips one last time before pulling away. He grinned at me with love in his eyes.
"Zayn, we're nominated for the next one.", Niall called interupting our little moment. I was glad he interupted us because I wanted to ask him about that glare he sent on stage earlier. I wonder if he meant to be discreet with it, but failed miserably. "Yeah? What category?", Zayn questioned back to him. I felt a tap on my shoulder from Miley, when I turned she was standing up with her stuff. "I have to go get ready but Demi should be up soon. And you seem to have enough company now.", she smirked eyeing Zayn's arm wrapped around me. Blushing, I shooed her off only to have her laugh and walk away.
"Babe, I'm going to the restroom before Demi goes on.", I told Zayn in his ear. He quickly snapped his head over to me and looked around the room. What's wrong with him? "U-uh you sure you don't want me to come with you?", he asked quickly as I stood up. I gave him a confused look and laughed awkwardly. "I don't think I need that kind of help yet, Zayn. Maybe in 75 years or so, but uh..", I replied to his odd question. Since when do I need help finding a bathroom or peeing? I raised my eyebrow at him as he struggled to find his words. "I really have to go Zayn. I'll be right back though.", I said quickly and slipped off his blazer. I turned on my heel and crossed my arms from the sudden coolness of the room.
I walked towards backstage to find a bathroom. Stopping to ask a sweaty maintenance man, he barely even noticed me there when he quickly said, "Down the left hall, past the dressing rooms, second to last door on the right." It was kind if hard to tell what he said because of how out of breath he was and all the noise surrounding me. Although I thought that I got the gist of what the man said, it was quite complicated to find my way to what looked somewhat of the hall he briefly described. I walked down the hall staring at the names on the doors in awe.
Finally, I came to one of them with a way too familiar name on it. I lost my breath and felt light headed. Suddenly, I didn't have to pee anymore because the next thing I knew I had turned the opposite direction & was speed walking back down the hall. That is until a door opened and I completely froze in my footsteps, hoping and praying it wasn't who I had avoided for a year now.
But my hopes and prayers weren't enough as the voice of the person who hurt me most called my name.

(A/N: Ooh! An update!! I loved writing this chapter so much and I can't wait for the next one. I really don't pre-plan my chapters guys. I just write as I think of it. And here it is. I wrote this in maybe and hour and half. I split into two days though. But guys...*gasp* the next chapter is going to pick up where I left you all hanging. Hehe #cliffhanger😏 Well I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I tried to make it kind of longer than usual. But love you guys and don't forget to vote & comment what you think will happen. :) See you guys soon!!)

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