Chapter 7

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In Camelot, Village

Third p.o.v.

Rookie and Leo were having a fight against each other while Shadow was standing their and watching them. "What do you mean that they are your brothers?" Ask Lancelot to Shadow. "It's a long story" said Shadow. Rookie and Leo clash their weapons until Leo smack Rookie sword away and kick him to the ground. Leo rise up his morning star club. Shadow and Lancelot eyes widen. "Rookie!" Shouted Shadow as he ran towards him. Leo then gonna hit him. Everything was in slow motion. Leo was gonna kill Rookie. Shadow was running towards them. Was it to late?


A red sword clash against Leo weapon. Leo eyes widen. "Leo stop this!" Shouted Zero. "Zero" said Leo. He slowly drop his weapon. Zero put his sword down. "Are you alive?" Ask Leo. "I am" said Zero and helped Rookie back to his feet. "Thanks to Rookie. Without him I'd be a goner" Leo looked surprised, he then turned to Rookie and said "Thank you for saving my friend". Rookie couldn't speak for a word but he then said "your welcome". Shadow sighed in relief that no one got killed. While Lancelot stand there and kept an eye on Zero. 'Maybe he has changed' thought Lancelot. Shadow then walked towards them. "Rookie are you alright?" He nodded "I'm fine". "Leo you have to stop this war" said Zero "But if I disobey the King order-" Zero cut Leo off "Who cares! You and Star will be safe from that maniac!" Leo looked down but Zero continue "you promise Star that you will get her out of their, didn't you? Well now it's your chance" Leo nodded. "Alright. I'll be back" said Leo and run off to tell the knights that it's over.

Soon everyone put out the fire once again for the second time. Zero sat down on a chair and sighed. He then saw Rookie walking towards him. "Why didn't you tell me?" Ask Rookie "Tell you what?" "That your Kingdom was the cause of this mess" said Rookie. "Rookie listen, that manic King is forcing us to do this" said Zero "Then why haven't you escape from him?" "Because if we disobey him we will never see daylight again." "Why not to try run away?" Ask Rookie "He'll catch us easily. Trust me." Rookie saw Zero eyes and sighed. "Is that why you were in the river?" Zero nodded. "What did you do that disobey him?" "When I came here there were some children's that need to get out of the fire so I help. Soon when I returned the King called for me and tried to killed me but I was able to escape his Kingdom but in the end I was shot by the arrow. I thought that I was a goner but..." "But what?" Said Rookie confused. "You came and helped me. Without you I'll be gone" said Zero. Rookie smiled. "I'm glad that I was able to help you" Zero nodded.

With Namine and Galahad

"You think that we have enough blanket for the villagers?" Ask Galahad to Namine. "This will be enough for them" replied Namine. Galahad nodded. As they were walking Silver saw something on Namine arm. "Galahad, something is on Namine arm" said Silver. Galahad gave Silver a confused look and looked at Namine arm. It was a burn mark. "Namine your arm" Namine look at Galahad and her arm. "It's nothing" she said. Galahad set the blankets down and grab Namine arm gently to get a better look. "Namine, this isn't nothing" Galahad hold the blanket that Namine holding and set in down. "Come I'll take you to Aryella". Namine nodded and followed him to see Aryella. Silver wonder who is Aryella? Well he was gonna find out who this Mobian is.

Later they went into a room filled with magic and potions. "Aryella can you help us with something" Ask Galahad. Silver eyes went widen to see Rouge. "What can I get you two lover?" Galahad and Namine had a blush on their face. "N-No Aryella. We just want you to heal Namine burned arm." Said Galahad. Aryella took a good look at the burned arm. "Come Namine I'll check to see if there's any more burned marks that you have" said Aryella. Galahad walked out of the room and went back to pick up the blankets that he left.

"I wish I could help you out but..." Silver demonstrate as he tried to pick up some blankets but it went through his hand. "It's alright Silver I've got this" said Galahad as he used his psychokinesis to lift the blankets. It's was quite between the two until Galahad spoke up. "Do you miss her?" "Miss who?" Silver ask confused "your girlfriend" Silver nodded. "I wish I can communicate with her so I can tell her that I'm alright" "I would love to help you out but I don't think there's a spell that can go to the outside world" explained Galahad. Silver has a sad looked to his face. "So what's she like?" Ask Galahad. "Well she likes to draw, spend time with her brothers and she different from everybody else" "How different?" Ask Galahad. "Because she is a human" said Silver "She is, well she just like Namine" said Galahad but he continued "Is she upset that she is a human?" "No not really, but there has been a tiny bit. Why?" said Silver. Galahad sighed "well Namine feels like she doesn't belong here in this world. Like nobody wants her" "But Rookie, Percival" "I know but...I just don't know what's she thinking" said Galahad. There's was another silence moment between them. Until Silver spoke. "So how did you became a Knight of the round table?" "That's a long story" said Galahad "But I will tell you". They continued to walked. "You see when we were at our final test to be Knights of the round table. We've made a promise that will be Knights together." "What was the final test?" Ask Silver "To face each other. I was up against Namine, she told me to not hold back but in the end I was the one who became the knight of the round table." Explained Galahad "So what did Namine do?" "She continued to trained herself along side Rookie to be Knights of the round table someday" "But don't the King and Percival have to agree for the to be Knights?" Galahad nodded. "Yes but Percival won't let them be Knights because she always keep saying that they aren't ready" "well I seen them train before and they train very well" said Silver. "They always do that, I wish that they could be Knights like me"

With Shadow

Shadow was sitting on the bed and talking to Lancelot. "you what?" Said Shadow confused "I said I believe you. I guess he did change" said Lancelot. Shadow smiled and then thought. "Maybe he can help us defeat the King. After all he was his knight" Lancelot looked at Shadow "your right. If we ask him some questions we might be able to know his weakness" said Lancelot.

Then there's was a knock on the door. "Come in" said Shadow. The Mobian opened the door which reveal Lady Percival. "Percival? Is there something you need?" Ask Shadow. "I came here to speak with you about something" she said "What is it?" "It's about that Jackal. I don't think we should trust him" "well what do you suggest that we should do?" Ask Shadow "We should put him in the dungeon" she said "You can't!" Shouted Shadow "Why Lancelot? You know what he did" "I know but he protect Rookie from getting killed" Percival gasp. "He did what?" "I said he protected your son" said Shadow. Percival looked down with mix emotions. "Without him, Rookie would be gone" said Shadow. Percival was confused about the jackal that save her adopted son. "Percival?" Said Shadow. Percival got up and walked out of the room and said "I need to think about this". Shadow and Lancelot looked at each other. "Is she gonna be alright?" Ask Shadow "She just confused that all, like how I was. Until you open my eyes to see what he was really like" said Lancelot. He put his hand on Shadow shoulder. "Just give her some time to think" said Lancelot.

To Be Continued...

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