Chapter 1

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⚠️ Depression, Suicide, Eating disorder ⚠️

Mental hospital food is complete trash. I don't recommend it.

Sadly, I have to eat it at least three times a day. Being mentally unstable isn't very fun. Just like almost starving yourself to death because of unrealistic body proportions for women isn't fun either.

I was stuck here until they decide that I won't try to kill myself again. I could care less when I get to leave. It's not like I had anything waiting for me out there.

At lunch, the only thing I ate was the pudding cups. My best friend Diego sat with me. He claims he hates me, but we all know he's joking. "Are you going to eat that," I asked, pointing to the pudding on Diego's tray. He basically threw it at me. "Hey! Watch the makeup," I yelled as I looked at my smudged eyeliner in the reflection of my spoon.

"Can you shut up for five minutes. I'm trying to think," Diego grouched. I sat there in silence for as long as I could. About 30 seconds. "Nope, I guess not." He rolled his eyes at me. "You know what Diego. Shut the fuck up." He looked at me with disgust. "I didn't say a damn word to you."

I threw the pudding back at him. "I don't want your cootie infested pudding." He looked really mad. He leaned in super close and whispered, "(Y/N), if you don't stop, I'm gonna slit your throat with a spoon."

I smiled and laughed. "You won't do it," I whispered back. "Bet." I just smiled and kissed him on the cheek. He looked like he was going to slap me. "You love me too much to do that."

Diego got called in for a visitor. He left the bracelet he made sitting there. I grabbed it, put it on, and hid it under my sleeve. I looked around to make sure he wasn't watching and took the cootie infested pudding back.

Diego never came back. Probably was crying about his daddy issues in his room. I just sat there. Playing with the bracelet. He makes me laugh even when he threatens to take my life with a spoon. For a crazy person, he's pretty damn cool.

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