Chapter 24

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"I can't believe we did it. We did something right for once," Diego said while we were going to the field. I held his hand over there. "And look, I actually helped." "Yeah you did," he kissed my cheek. "What do these even do?" "Five says they can take you anywhere in time. We are using them to get back to 2019." "What's it like in the future?" He sighed. "It's insane. Crazier than right now."

We made our way back to the building. "We will go back to a few days before Vanya blew up the moon and ended the world. Then, it won't happen, according to the commission," Five was explaining when we walked in. Klaus said, "Well, they are back so we can leave now. Right?" "Anything you want to do before we leave, you have to do now." Everyone went running to what they wanted to do. Vanya went to say goodbye to Sissy, Allison went to say bye to Raymond, and Klaus went to see Dave once more.

Me and Diego went the same diner we went to when we escaped the hospital. "I can't believe we went from the mental hospital to saving the world in a few weeks." "A lot can happen. But I'm glad it did," Diego said while smiling at me. "So what happens from here?" "I'll try to take you back with us to the future. You'll like it there even tho it's crazy."

After a while, we headed back to everyone else. "Okay everyone is here," Vanya said. We all gathered around the case when Five looked at me like I did something wrong. "Why is she still here?" "She's coming with us," Diego said, pulling me close to him. "No. She isn't."

"What," me and Diego said together.

"We can't bring anyone back with us. Vanya couldn't take Sissy, Allison couldn't take her husband. You can't take (Y/N)." I felt my eyes watering. "Why fucking not? If I want to bring her then I will!" "Unless you want to mess more up, then I wouldn't." "But, we can't just leave her here! I can't do that!"

I was crying. I tried not to but I couldn't stop. "Diego, I don't know what the hell has gotten into you! You can't fucking bring her!" Diego turned to look at me. "How am I supposed to just leave her? I couldn't do that!" "But you could just leave Mom there when you shut her off." The room went silent. Diego got out his knife. "I-I-I'm going to b-bring her or I'm gonna f-fucking kill you."

"Diego," I tapped his shoulder, "it's fine. You can leave." Tears went down my face. "B-but I don't w-want to leave you." "I know. I don't want to leave you either." He started crying a little. "I-I-I love you, (Y/N)." I started crying even more while smiling. "I love you too, Diego." I wrapped my arms around him. I didn't want to let go. I never did. "I'll never forget you," I said in between sobs. He lifted my face and kissed me. "I'll be back for y-you. I'm gonna bring you no matter what he says. I can't j-j-just leave you here. I l-love you too much."

He told me to follow a little bit behind them so Five didn't notice. Allison told me that I was the best person she met while here. Klaus said that we should've ran away and got drunk together before the fight and Vanya said that she wished we were closer because I seem cool. Five didn't speak to me. Diego kissed me once more and then left with the rest.

I followed after but they were faster. My ankle was fucked up from when I tripped. I wanted to yell for them to wait up but I couldn't cause I couldn't let Five know I was coming. I ran as fast as I could. It wasn't very fast.

When I got to where he told me they were going to, they were gone. They left. Without me. I was in the middle of an alley. Alone. Without Diego. Without the love of my life. The only one who I'll ever love. I fell to my knees. He promised. I screamed until my throat hurt. I curled up and sobbed.

Sirens went on around me. "Hands up where we can see them!" They were yelling at me. I looked around and saw my bag. I slowly grabbed it and threw a brick at the cop. I grabbed my bag and ran. I didn't make it very far before falling and busting my face on the sidewalk.

As my nose bled, the cops put me in cuffs. They were going to take me back. Back to the place I met Diego. Maybe he'd be there. Maybe that's where he's been this whole time. I was going to see him. At the hospital. We were going to share pudding and make bracelets. He never left. He's just waiting for me.

I laughed as the cops put me in the back and drove off.

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