2. La Rèunion

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In the past 23 years, Magnus has heard Alec speak in French here and there; Sometimes at their dates in Paris when they have to order something, sometimes talking to a new transfer or a French representative.

Magnus had always found it extremely sexy.

He never said anything about it, but whenever Alec spoke French, it would always end up with them, laying on their bed (Or in the janitor's closet. Or whichever room happened to be the closest at the time.) naked and worn out.

It was just the way the words rolled off the shadowhunter's tongue, the way his voice dropped low, the way he pronounced every syllable.

And to an extent, Alec knew that. He knew that Magnus had a language kink, moreover, a French kink. But they never really 'talked' about it, per say. It was more of a... mutual understanding.

So now that Alec was stuck speaking French, he couldn't exactly expect Magnus to not play around with him.

And Magnus couldn't just sit there and not play around with Alec.

Alec had just not- or prefered Magnus to not start his game here, in the middle of a meeting with representatives of Madrid.

But Magnus however, was already imagining various scenarios of how they were going to utilize this little mishap. And naturally, if he was going to be distracted and frustrated, Alec would have to be, too. It was only fair.

Though, Alec didn't seem to think so when Magnus slid his hand a little higher along his inner thigh. It earned him a glare, which Magnus pointedly ignored.

"Another thing I'd like to start this cabinet with is suggesting the werewolves and the vampires to talk and create official territories, so their personal disputes don't interrupt this institute's working," Alex said, in Spanish "Like last week, between the werewolf and vampire deputies"

It was around 2am in Madrid, Alex had adjusted the timings so it was comfortable for Magnus, Alec and Izzy to come over (It was just 8pm in New York). The others however, didn't exactly look happy.

"We do have separate territories! The vamps keep invading ours!" The werewolf representative of Madrid said, glaring at the vampire, who had his phone in this hand.

Magnus tried not to laugh as Alec took in a startled sharp breath, the warlock's fingers brushed dangerously close to his crotch.

"Shut the fuck up, Kyle," The vampire said bluntly in english, a vine reference, Magnus realised (Fill and Simon used it very often). Then in Spanish, "Rob is dating your werewolves, Jamie and Carl, so obviously he hangs around at yours, we've been over this!"

"I thought her name was Mia?" Izzy frowned at the vampire's words.

Alec however, tried his best to concentrate on whatever the hell was going on, but Magnus was making it very hard for him to do so.

Very hard indeed.

"Well, your Rob invites his vampire buddies over all the time. I don't like it!" Mia crossed her arms over her chest.

"Oh, now you're just being discriminative and queerphobic-"

"I'm literally trans, bitch," Mia shot out in english, then continued in Spanish "And I'm not being 'discriminative' I just don't like the vamps coming over because they trash everything. Every. Single. Time"

The vampire, ignoring, held up his phone, mumbling while Alec saw him typing, 'First meeting. This shit is whack, the werewolf is 'bout to throw hands.'

Alec seemed slightly alarmed, so Magnus thought it'd be best to distract him. Obviously, the only way he knew how. He squeezed Alec's thigh a little, leaning into him.

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