Chapter 6

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I didn't really feel like 'dressing up' or whatever for the party, so I got a black long sleeve crop top, a floral skater skirt, a gold necklace, and some black on black vans.

Vanessa and Toby chose their own clothing they wanted from my clothes while Audrey sat smacking her gum on my bed.

Audrey received a text and smiled, and kind of giggled at it.. what the fuck..

"Oh, um, I'm going to go get something to drink." She says standing up and walking out of my room. Okay?

"Ugh, who will straighten my hair" I hear Toby ask. "Me!" Vanessa says with excitement.

"Wanna curl my hair?" Vanessa asks turning around at looking at me. I smile "sure, why not? We're just gonna be a train of hair stylets." I say and we all get set up to do each other's hair.

"What about you Mack?" Toby asks "leavin it like this" I say and they both nod and I plug in the curler and wait for it to warm up.

Once it does I do Vanessa's hair, and it curled looks really cute. "Shit." Vanessa says "do you have a nose piercing I could use?" She asked, obviously to me, because Toby doesn't have her nose pierced.

"Yeah, you have yours pierced?" I ask. "yup" she says as I finish the last of her hair and turn the curler off.

I put it away and head over to where my jewelry is, I get a simple diamond "this okay?" I ask Vanessa.

"Yeah, that's perfect." She smiles and finishes Toby's hair.

I hand it to her and she walks over to my mirror and puts it in. "Thank you so much, I didn't want my hole to close up." She says with relief on her face.

"No problem" I say with a smile.

"Thanks for doing my hair Vanessa, it looks great." Toby says.

"Oh thank god it looks good, I wanna go to collage to do hair." Vanessa breathes.

"Well, you should defiantly get it." Toby says with a smile. "How much more time until we leave?" She asks

I pull out my phone "like an hour." I say and they both nod. "Let's go downstairs." I say and they nod again and we go downstairs.

I pull out my phone to see Gilinsky texted me?

Gilinsky: you gonna come to my party?😏

Me: maybeee 😏

Gilinsky: damn can't wait. 😏

Me: Jack, you have a girlfriend... and I have a boyfriend...

Me: so why do you keep on using the smirking emojis?

Gilinsky: wait, who are you dating? and I didn't know I couldn't send you emojis.

Me: ugh okay whatever. and it's Sammy.

Gilinsky: okay I though it was going to me some douche.

Me: wow do you really think I would date a douche?

Gilinsky: noooo. okay sorry that sounded rude.

Me: kinda did.

Gilinsky: SORRY.. okay but I have to go set stuff up, see you tonight ;)

I ignore the winky face and go to twitter since Toby and Venessa are talking while Audrey is talking to Sammy and I think Nate is in the bathroom while Emily and Jack J still aren't home.

I look through twitter and the girls from school are calling me these 'names'.

Jazmin Collins:
Well, I hear the slut, @mackjohnson is going to a party. bet she's gonna hook up with ever guy there.

Ally Long:
@mackjohnson kill yourself. surprised you haven't yet, tbh.

Alexus Hawthorn:
@mackjohnson you're an ugly bitch. and you're fat.

Lauren Dion:
@mackjohnson whore.

Jackie Allen:
@mackjohnson nobody cares about you.

And then of course there are the fans that hate on me.

I sigh and close my eyes to hold back the tears, "you alright?" I hear Nate ask and I open my eyes. "Yeah." I say quietly. Then I immediately think of what they called me, I look down at what I'm wearing.

'Nope I look horrible I'm not going.' I say to myself.

I decide I'll text Gilinsky and let him know.

Me: ayeee....

Gilinsky: hey, what's up?

Me: I don't think I'm gonna go to your party..

Gilinsky: wtf why?

Me: cause I look horrible. I don't wanna go.

Gilinsky: are you being serious. look, you are going to look fine. I don't know who put your fucking confidence down, bc that shit never happens, and whoever they are, just ignore them, just come.

Me: I don't wanna Jack.

Me: when I show up, all the people are going to judge me.

Me: they are going to call me a slut.

Gilinsky: hell no they aren't. and you aren't.

Gilinsky: why don't you come down now with the people at your house.

Me: but I'm not coming.

Gilinsky: I'll come over and drag you here, your choice.

Me: fine.

Me: we'll be over in a few.

"C'mon guys, Gilinsky wants us to come earlier." I say walking out the front door.

They a fallow, and since Gilinsky only lives a few houses down, we walk.

I turn around to see Sam and Audrey talking .

I walk over next to Sam and he doesn't even acknowledge the fact I'm here.

Maybe Jackie was right, nobody cares about me.

I sigh and go up to Vanessa. "She does that to all the cute guys she wants" she says while rolling her eyes "what? So you like aren't really friends with her?" I ask.

"No, not really, she kind of attached to me and Emily, and then Emily really likes her, I don't"

"Okay cause Toby and I don't like her, and now Sam is ignoring me" I sigh looking back at them smiling.

We haven't even been dating a whole fucking day.

We get to Gilinskys and I just walk in.

"Mack!" He says and runs up and hugs me. "Hey Jack" I mumble into him as I hug back.

"You alright?" He asks setting me back down and looking me in the eyes. "Yeah, I'm fine." I say looking everywhere but at him.

"Mack.." he sighs and I look at him but then I turn around when I hear that high-pitched giggle that makes me want to fucking smash her head into the wall. And there is Sam.. with his arm around Audrey's waist. "What the-" Gilinsky says as he looks at them. "But I thought you guys were-"

I cute him off "we are," I look at them "at least I thought" he pulls me into a tight hug.

I have to admit, I still kind of like Jack, but me and Sam are 'dating'. "Whatever, I just want to have a good time." I say and Jack smiles "that's the Mack I remember" he says and I roll my eyes.

And about 15 minutes later, people show up.

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