Chapter 14

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As me and Jack pull up to my house, my hands start to shake. But it is like 2am, so nobody should be up.

I walk in my front door and nobody is awake.

Thank god. "Jack?" I ask.

"Yeah babe?" He says coming up behind me and hugging me.

"Will you stay the night?" I ask, knowing the answer.

"Of course babygirl." He kisses my cheek and we go up to my bedroom.

When I get there I take off Jacks sweatshirt that I was wearing, being left in his sweats and a sports bra.

I get into bed, and shortly Jack was in right next to me, keeping me safe.


She sun shine in my eyes, waking me.

I groan and stretch out my arms, and hit Jack in the face my accident.

I giggle "sorry." I say and get up out of bed.

Not really caring, I walk down stairs and get some water.

"You're up." Jack J says and I freeze.

My cuts..

On my stomach..

And wrists..

I'm officially fucked.

"Yeahh." I say.

"You alright?" He asked and I nod my head, and turn around, not caring, he was going to find out at some point. "Mack?...." He starts off more of a question, but it leads to a sigh.

"Look, Jack. Yes I did cut, I'm not going to anymore. I don't want to talk about it." I say and he looks down but comes up and hugs me.

"It hurts to see you broken." I feel some warm water drops on my neck and I knew he was crying.

I pull him away and I wipe his tears "don't cry." I say and he nods.

I pull him into one more hug, one less conversation I have to talk about.

"Hey, is it cool of Sammy comes over and hangs with us?" He asked and I shrug.

"I don't care." Jack J smiles.

"Thanks." he kisses my cheek and goes away.


I just shake it off, and go up stairs into my room and take a shower.

I put on sweats and a sports bra, and a muscle tee, for the cuts on my wrist are mostly faded.

I brush my hair and walk out of the bathroom to be greeted by Jack. "Hey." I say startled he was right there.

He chuckles and peck me on the lips.

I grab my glasses and put them on and walk downstairs, Jack following.
Toby, Vanessa, Nate, Sammy, Audrey, Jackie, Jazmin, Lauren, Ally and Alexus.

"Who invited you guys?" I ask referring to the bitches.

"Sammy." Jazmin smirks and I roll my eyes.

"Of course." I say under my breath and Jack comes up behind me.

"Just ignore them." he says in my ear and I nod, knowing that's just what I should do.

Jack sits down on the couch, so I sit on his lap "pizza is here!" My brother yells, and everyone gets up and goes to get a piece, but me not being that hungry, sit on my phone.

"You sure you don't want one babe?" Jack asked.

"Yeah, not hungry right now." I say.

He nods and goes over to the guys.

A little while later, we all end up back into the living room, me on Jacks lap.

"Why didn't you eat Mack?" Sammy asked, but it wasn't as if it was worried.

I shrug "I wasn't hungry."

"Sure." he says.


"I'm just sayin, if you want to loose weight, you have to do more then just not eat food."

All of a sudden, I feel so insecure, I look down at my arms that are covered in scars.

Jack sits up and hugs me "don't do it, it's not worth it." He whispers in my ear, knowing I was thinking about cutting.

I take a deep breath. "I'm not trying to loose weight." I say quietly.

"Really? Cause you should." Sam says and at this point on going to yell in his face.

"Maybe you should."

"Why? You're the fat suicidal one here."

"Are you fucking kidding me Sam?"

"No." he says with a smile.

At this point I've lost it.

"It's not my fault I'm anorexic and depressed!" I basically yell, and everyone got quiet.

I sigh, feeling the tears in my eyes, Jack stands up as we walk to my room.

"I don't know what to do anymore Jack." I cry into his shoulder and he rubs my back.

"Shhh baby, it's okay, I'm here." he says soothingly as my grip on his shirt tightens.

"I just wanna disappear." I cry onto his shoulder.

But little did Jack know, that might just happen.

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