The Important Sacrifice

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"No, not you, Njorun." To my surprise both Rollo and Ragnar yelled at me at the same time, truly not willing to let me go. Maybe because they finally got me back. Backing off a bit, I could hear everyone whisper and murmur about who would do it when suddenly Arne tried to raise his hand, only to also be cut off by Leif, another friend.

"Before anyone else can claim this honor, I desire to be sacrificed. For the sake of my family, for the sake of all of you, my friends. But even more, for the sake of all humans in Midgard. I trust that the gods will find my sacrifice acceptable. In which case, I look forward to it joyfully." Leif nodded at the Seer as the Seer returned the nod to him.


Standing next to Lagertha and Rollo, I watched the priests showing us the sacrifice blades and in the corner of my eye I could see Ragnar kissing his daughter's forehead who watched the offer with nerves. Further in the back the people and animals who had to be sacrificed were cleaned for the ritual as I stared up at Siggy and Rollo. They wouldn't be together for long, she didn't knew Rollo that well. He would fuck other girls without her knowing the second he had the change and honestly I think that had already happened. Though, I also think Siggy isn't that dumb and she had already noticed.

The moment the weapons were laid out on the table, a new chosen woman, last time I was here it was an other woman, sang in our native language. To the left of us all a young man walked in with a young little brown goat in his arms. It was laid on the table and bleated one more time before he was slowly slaughtered with the chosen blade. The little dead goat was lifted again and in the forest they would be hanged with their head towards the ground. Everything went so fast as I spotted a man walking up, he was unknown to me, yet familiar, I had probably seen him around the feast yesterday.

This time King Horik had the honor to kill the man as he laid relaxing onto the table. I took a step back towards Athelstan and smiled. "Do not worry, I know the sight isn't very pleasing... but they want to be sacrificed. Think about that."

Athelstan nodded before swallowing and he switched his attention to the offers again. The unknown yet familiar man had left Midgard and went towards the bright halls while a few more men were slaughtered. And there we saw him, Leif, our good friend. Closing my eyes, I suppressed my emotions and watched again, feeling a hand from Rollo on my shoulder.

"He wants it."

"I know, but couldn't they.. like.... choice someone else at the time or do it quickly?" Rollo shook his head, but also didn't find the thought of him leaving this place a very pleasant thought.

"Let's just hope he ends up feasting with Odin."

Leif stopped for a moment, locking gazes with us one by one and nodded. After, he stepped up the small stairs and laid down onto the already bloody table. King Horik didn't hesitate and quickly slid his throat with the chosen blade, seeing my friends blood dripping into the bowel. Athelstan his eyes had became bloodshot as did Ragnar's and as did probably mine too. Taking in a deep breath, he was lifted of off the table like the rest and was hanged somewhere in the forest with his head towards the ground. Together, we just stood there silently.


"Why don't they let us dry ourselves and get warm? If I stay like this, I will rust." Floki shivered.

"What kind of fellow is this Jarl Borg?" I nodded in agreement towards Rollo and pointed at him.

"Right! This is no way to treat guests, whoever they are."

"Especially if they've been traveling for days on end." Ragnar stated as I stared with my cold eyes towards the moron of a Jarl. Then suddenly he signed with his fingers to come to him and annoyed I shook my head before joining Ragnar and Rollo with walking. Patting Bjorn on his back we made our way to the fire and kneeled down before it to warm ourselves.

"Are you the emissaries from King Horik? Well, I can tell you at once, you're wasting your time. It's my land, and I want it returned to me. That's all I have to say." The Jarl took a sip from his drink as I almost had thrown myself into the fire because of the amusing warmth that came from it.

"He wants to make peace with you and come to some kind of agreement."

"Then tell him if he leaves my land, we can have peace. But not before." Ragnar just smiled while warming his fingers.

"How can you make peace, Jarl Borg, if you insist on humiliating him?"

"If I invade and defeat him, will he not be even more humiliated?" The Jarl confirmed, really thinking he was way stronger.

"Not if he fights well. In any case, I am sure that he would relish a fight." Ragnar calmly spoke while the Jarl seemed annoyed and tapped three times with his cup onto the table before he rose to his feet, coming our way. Ragnar did the same and I stood beside Rollo, my pierce eyes still on the asshole.

"What's your name?"

"Ragnar Lothbrok."

"You are Ragnar Lothbrok, the one who sailed west?" Men were really good in bragging about themselves and laying on their knees for the other if they had a bigger name than theirs. I most of the time got nauseous just seeing it happen again.

"I am surprised that you've heard about that."

"How are you surprised?" The Jarl laughed at the man with the bright blue eyes, meanwhile, I noticed the jealousy in Rollo's eyes. "Everyone has heard of your exploits. Why have we not offered our guests dry clothes and food? Treat these folk well. Give them ale, let them dry out, feed them. Tomorrow, you and I will talk again, Ragnar Lothbrok."

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