Boss fight

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(Y/N): "So Maple where are we going?" 

Maple: "Well since you probably want to join our guild we'll have to test your skills against the floor boss."

Sally: "But if the boss is too hard for you we'll help you. We wouldn't want you to die." 

(Y/N): "Wait but isn't it like super hard to beat?" 

Sally: "Well Yes but we'll assist you."

(Y/N):" Actually I never could test my strength fully. So I want to try fighting the boss alone for a bit." 

Timeskip to the boss room door.

Maple and Sally were stressed because they didn't want (Y/N) to get hurt.

Maple: "Are you sure you want to do this?"she asked worried. 

(Y/N): "Yes I'm certain." answered (Y/N) with full confidence.

They opened the boss door to reveal a wide space with a summoning circle in the middle of the room. 

After the door closed the room started shaking and a giant deer boss came out of the summoning circle. Maple tried to say a tip to (Y/N) but Sally stopped her knowing how (Y/N)'s pride was on the line for this fight. 

(Y/N) grasped his sword hilt, ready to fight the boss. There was a staring contest and then the boss used vines to attack (Y/N) with full force. Seeing how (Y/N) wasn't moving Maple was panicking. She was about to go protect him when she saw him unsheathe his sword and cut the vines in half. He then proceeded to walk slowly to the boss while countering every attack that were sent his way. 

He tried hitting the boss but no matter how hurt it got it always healed right back to full HP so (Y/N) tried to look back seeing if there were any weaknesses and saw the glowing apple on its forehead. 

Taking out his trump card he smirked knowing he could exploit the true power of the dexterity stat. He drew one arrow and shot it. Instantly killing the boss with a critical hit. 

He turned around to see Sally and Maple shocked at how powerful one arrow was. 

Sally: "Wow dexterity is really powerful even with my strongest skill I couldn't even dream of killing that boss in one shot." 

Maple just stood there wondering something. (Y/N) asked if something was bothering her and she just answered "Who would win in a fight between the two of us?" 

(A/N) notes: Hello It is I The Author and I have a things to say first of all I will try to update weekly but with school starting soon it will be hard and I will also ask was my fight scene good? If not please tell me what I can do better. And that's it see you next week.

I don't know how to play so I'll max out my dexterity.Where stories live. Discover now