Chapter 6

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After Caleb and the Mayor were hit with Joe's mind controlling device, the two collapsed onto the ground and were sent to a different room than the one they were previously in.

Caleb was on the cold, hard ground and opened his eyes. He looked and saw that he was alone and it was dark.

But another thing he realized was that his mind hadn't changed, it was still the same. So Joe's device didn't work on him, why?

Caleb got up and looked for a door. But it was so dark he couldn't see, and he couldn't move well since that mind controlling gun gave him nausea.

Then the main door to the room opened and the lights went on.

Caleb turned around and saw Joe come in, along with the Mayor.

" Caleb. You're finally awake. " - Joe

Caleb was going to start talking, but he knows Joe doesn't know that his mind control worked on him. So Caleb decided to play in character.

" Yes, master. " - Caleb

That was what the people started calling Joe after they were brainwashed. They also called him boss and leader.

" You should come with me. I'll send you somewhere nice and warm. " - Joe

" Thanks leader. That would be nice. " - Caleb

He was hoping he could keep this up before Joe realized something was wrong. Joe soon walked away leaving Caleb with the now brainwashed mayor. The mayor then started talking to Caleb.

" Caleb, have you heard news about the Token? " - Mayor

Caleb remembered something about that, but still had no clue what it was. But he did know it was being built in some way

" Uh, yes. It's still being built, right? " - Caleb

" Yes. Would you go to the place and check on it? Joe wants an update. " - mayor

" Of course. " - Caleb

He didn't know where the Token was being built though. He didn't want to ask cause he thought that would make the goons suspicious. The first place he thought of was the Steamworks. He would end up being right.

Caleb was assisted out of the warehouse, and brought to a car that was being driven by a citizen who was mind controlled like everyone else. That person would drive Caleb to the Steamworks, and so Caleb would get to see the Token up close.

Back in the nice wilderness of Ireland, the Steam Team was comprehended by a woman who was sneaking around. She saved them all from bears, but also shot Erik in the leg with a dart. But she also said to follow her, and she knows where they are going.

The Steam Team was following their new companion and had a lot of questions. Anne and Jake were also carrying Erik who was still unconscious as those darts would last someone or something 45 minutes.

" So, are you gonna introduce yourself or not? " - Tyler

" Don't pressure me. We have to get somewhere safe. " - girl

" Why? There's no one else around. " - Patrick

" You may think slick. But this so-called factory is still full of guards. " - girl

" Slick? " - Patrick

" Nevermind that. You're saying there are more bad guys at the factory? " - Thomas

" I thought they were all on Sodor now. " - Emily

" Joe is smart. He would know to have some of his men stay behind and protect his HQ. " - girl

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