Chapter 2

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The entire Island of Sodor was covered with purple clouds after about 3 minutes, but the real chaos was beginning at Knapford Station.

There, Erik and Jake were outside the station, but when they heard a siren go off and saw the clouds turn purple, they looked behind them and saw what was happening.

" What's happening? " - Jake

What they saw were the strange people they had seen yesterday pull down their hoodies and grab some weird device from their jacket pocket. Then they grabbed something else from their other pocket, and that was a gas mask, and so they put that on.

In the station, there were about 20 of those people, and 20 regular people. Each goon grabbed a person, used that spraying device they had, and sprayed some of that purple gas into their face, which knocked them out completely. Soon all 20 civilians were knocked out and lying on the ground.

Erik and Jake were terrified and yelled for Nia.

" Nia! Get over here! " - Erik

Nia was just near them and saw what happened.

" I'm right here guys! " - Nia

She began to move forward, only for a goon to jump up to her and spray her with the gas, and she was knocked out.

" Oh shit. " - Jake

The 20 criminals then all looked at Erik and Jake.

" We should run. " - Jake

" Yes we should. " - Erik

The two started to run, but one of the goons grabbed Jake's arm and tried to knock him out. But Erik came up and sucker punched the guy in the face. He let go of Jake's arm, and Jake and Erik started to run away.

Little did the two know that it wasn't just Knapford Station that was infested with the goons.

All over Sodor, there were goons scattered at different places. Just enough to knock out every person and engine on the Island.

At the docks, Thomas and Percy were there for work. When the clouds changed color, they at first were confused.

" What's that. Is it going to rain? " - Percy

" I have no idea. " - Thomas

Then the siren went off, which prompted about 15 goons who were there to put on their masks and begin to knock out any person or engine they could grab.

Before they could react, Thomas and Percy saw dock workers and tourists get sprayed with that purple gas.

" Oh my god! What are they doing? " - Percy

" Calm down. Follow me. " - Thomas

Thomas and Percy began to sprint near the exit of the docks. But 3 goons started to chase after them.

Tyler then grabbed a bat that he had stored in Thomas's cab for some reason and started swinging at them.

" Get back! You hear me? " - Tyler

The 3 goons stopped chasing them, but had a second plan. That device that sprayed the gas could also launch a missile in the air that would explode and cause a huge cloud of gas to be released.

One of them aimed at Thomas and launched the missile. Porter saw that and quickly went over.

" Thomas! Watch out! " - Porter

Thomas stopped when he heard that, only to see the missile coming right at him.

" No! " - Thomas

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