Mission 6: Rock Queen

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(Y/n) POV
Dante is relaxing on the couch with me, I felt warm when I am cuddling near by his chest, Dante was listening to the music that was being played on the jukebox, Morrison started talking to us, "man, Dante, (y/n).... Every time I drop by, you're further and further in debt." Morrison told us, "what do you expect? Everyone leaves us bills instead of a damn paycheck!" Dante sounded mad and he got up and started walking towards to the jukebox and he kick it with his foot, Dante came back to me on the couch, but we both heard the jukebox fall on the floor, we heard the door open and here comes Patty trying to talk to us, "Hey Dante, (y/n), are you two here?" But I was sleeping next to Dante and Dante is closed by me, then Patty noticed us sleeping on the couch again, Patty notice the jukebox was broke and she walked up to Morrison and asked him, "what happened to the jukebox?" Morrison pointed at Dante, before Dante told Morrison, "just find a way to fix it." Morrison did not like and told Dante, "Don't be ridiculous. Anyway, you're just too violent! You don't know how to handle things. Not machines and not women either." I did not like this, so I gave Patty and Morrison a middle finger to them, "wow, you guys think that Dante has no Woman but I am right here and I have no problem with him." Dante gave me a smile and return one back to him, Morrison was telling us about how we had to buy a new part for the jukebox to work again, Patty started talking to us, "Hey Dante, (y/n), why is this the only record you have on this framed?" Dante told Patty about it, "We've played that record more than any other, but it got scratched... We framed it cause we couldn't bring ourselves to just throw it away." Patty grabbed the framed and asked us, "If you two like it so much, why not buy another one?" I decided to tell Patty of why we can't buy another one, "Look at it and you'll see why. We don't know the name of the singer or the song. Back in the day, that was one of the records in that jukebox." Patty just kept looking at the frame, till Morrison start talking to us, "It's no use... It'd be quicker to just go out and buy a new one, Dante, (y/n)." Dante spoke quick to Morrison answer, "yeah, like we got the money to do that..." Morrison told us that he knows that we don't have money but he told us about how we was going had it over to someone else, Morrison was going to give us a job and Morrison telling us about the job that he was talking about, "There's this abandoned building up north. And a secret room was discovered in it. Luckily, the room was airtight, so its contents were in good condition. A ton of never-played records were miraculously preserved there. The treasure hunters who got wind of this came to me because they're looking for two bodyguards."

Time skip
Still (y/n) POV

Dante is by my side when we started to go to a room, the guy was talking to us, "Mr. Dante and Ms. (y/n), thank you very much for accepting this position. We feel much more at ease knowing we have a man and Woman of your talent serving as our bodyguards." The guy gave us coffee, while the guy kept talking to us, "Our profession is treasure hunting... we are lousy when it comes to fighting." Dante was curious of what the guy said, " This counts as treasure hunting?" The guy told us it was worth it and asked us about of how we accept this job, "Apparently some people must really dig their antiques..." me and Dante took a sip of our coffee, then we hear someone talking to someone to play something, we noticed he had a some kind of DJ but it was small to be a DJ, Dante asked Tim about the CD and he told us about of a woman named Elena Huston is a rock singer, "We don't suppose we could request that one?" Dante asked Tim, Tim put the CD in there and we got a chance to hear it and it was catching, we noticed some people were dancing to this song, I decided to dance for a little bit and I noticed Dante is giving me a smile, "Not bad... it strikes you right to the core." Dante told Tim, Tim was telling us, "Doesn't it? Her voice is kind of husky, but really good. She started writing the tunes and lyrics for these while she was a street musician." I was now curious about this guy now, "you seem to know your stuff." Tim just told me a yeah and that was it, me and Dante noticed the window was turning red now, "Well, time for us to get to work." Tim decided to go to take the music but I told him, "No, Let it play." Then Dante spoke, "You gotta have music if you want to party." The glass on the windows were now shatter and demons started to jumped in the building, to bite people and of course killing them, people were shooting their guns at the demons and these demons were getting on my nerves a lot, so we had to shoot them a lot, Dante push me out of the way because there was a lot of demons coming towards us but a good thing Dante push me away from them and Dante was able to get them off of him, I noticed a female demon that is by the window and she used some kind of sonic scream and she was able to get everyone, I was close to get knocked out by her sonic scream, but Dante pulled me closer to him, so I won't be knocked down to the floor, but the demon was standing in there shock, when she was looking at Tim that his head was bleeding, the demon scream again, Dante decided to jump out of the way, while he still grabbed me, once we look back at the window she was gone, "so she ran away." Dante check up on me first, "You alright?" Dante asked me and I give him a yes to him before we went to check on Tim.  Tim head was fine, somebody had to put a white bandage on the side of his head and Tim was talking to us, "There's no doubt about it. That was Elena..." Tim pulled out a picture of him and his group and we see a woman in that picture and I am guessing her name is Elena, "Elena and I were childhood friends. I was just a plain, good-for-nothing kid, but Elena was different. She was this brilliant singer. How can I say it... her voice had this strange power that drew people in. And I was one of the spellbound... I had this intense desire to have more people listen to her songs. As many people as I possibly could. In the the beginning all she had was a guitar... but before long, she got a band together and put on shows out in the streets. And soon the whole city knew her voice. Me, I was playing dress-up in unfamiliar suits and ties, going around making the sales pitches. But with no backing from anyone, just putting out one record was further away than a dream..." I hold on to Dante and gave him a hug and Dante return to me, I decided to lean up to Dante and he had hold me close to him, while we kept listening to Tim story about Elena past, "it must be hard for you, Tim, I would be sad to if I lost the man I love." Dante gave me a smile and hold my hand when we were walking behind Tim, Tim show use a area we can used to get Elena here, Tim asked Dante about how the demon that is still Elena or she is a full demon, Dante told Tim, "The Elena Huston you knew is gone. You saw. That was nothing but a demon." Tim told Dante that he was right, I felt bad for Tim because I know how much he means to her, I couldn't bear to lose someone that I cared about, before we started to play her song, I told Tim to wait and that I want to talk to Dante by himself, Tim gave us a nod before I grabbed Dante's hand and pulled him to a area that we could talk in private, "what's wrong, (y/n)?" Dante asked me and I couldn't hold it anymore and I started to tear up and I gave Dante a hug from me, "Dante, when Tim was telling us about Elena, sometimes I think about us, if something happens in the future and for us." Dante pulled me closer to him and he started to move one of his hand on my head and the other behind me, "(y/n), it's ok to feel that way and I respect you of the way you are."

Dante's POV
(Y/n) was letting it out and I was making sure that she lets out all of her tears out, (y/n) finally looks up at me, then she kiss me on the lips and I return her kiss back to, then we apart away because we had a job to do, Tim played the track and we had to get ready to fight the demon, we noticed she was coming towards us, I grabbed my sword and (y/n) got her guns out and started shooting at her but she kept dodging them, I was able to get the demon side out of the real Elena body with my sword and the demon disappeared, I grabbed my sword and (y/n) came by me and started to give me a another kiss on the cheek, we started walking away from them and going back to our shop.

Time skip
(Y/n) was sleeping next to me, while I was reading a magazine, I noticed Patty was looking at the framed and she turned around and I gave her a smirk before telling her, "A tribute to the spirit of the Queen..." (y/n) was really comfortable on me and I gave her a kiss on the forehead before going back to reading the magazine.

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