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AN: Hey all you wonderful amazing people! Thank you so much for reading! It means a lot!

Keep your chin up and keep smiling!

"Now for our weekly obsessions!" I laugh softly as Scott and Mitch talk about their "weekly obsessions." My hotel room isn't exactly sound proof, so I try to keep the noise down.

The video ends and I slowly make my way to the small bathroom attached to the hotel room. I slip in and do my business. I pull my sleeves up and my eyes land on my scars. My eyes start to water and I rub my hand forcefully over them.

"What are you doing with your life Grace?"

"Nothing mom. She isn't doing anything with her life."

I cover my mouth as a sob escapes. It's true. I'm doing nothing with my life.

I throw myself out into the room and rummage through my makeup bags.

"I can't find them!" I yell. I dump them onto the floor, contents spilling out everywhere. Another sob escapes my mouth and soon I'm a sobbing mess. A small klink gets my attention. My eyes fall upon the clean blade that lays a few feet in front of me. I reach for it slowly, before retracting my hand back.

A knock from my door makes me hurry and snatch the blade from the floor. I slip it into my long sleeves and wipe my eyes, making my way towards the door.

"Hello?" I ask, opening the door a bit. My eyes fall upon two men, much older than I am, probably about twenty two or twenty four. They share concerned expressions before the blonde says, "Hey. Are you okay?"

Finally it all clicks in my head. "You're. You're Scott Hoying." I stutter. I back away from the hotel door and fall back onto my ass. My hand flies out to soften my fall but all I feel is searing pain.

I let out an ear piercing scream before clutching my arm to my chest. Scott and Mitch burst through the door and Mitch snatches my arm away from my body. Scott turns on the lights and I see the blood on my shirt. Mitch rolls the sleeve up to see my blade sticking halfway out of my skin.

"Holy shit." He curses turning away. Scott immediately dials a number on his phone. "Hello. 911. Yes. I need an ambulance to come to- No. I don't need police. I need a fucking ambulance!"

Scott clutches the blade in his hand and yanks it out of my arm. I scream again and Mitch hugs me.

"Shhhh. It's okay. Shhh. Hey hey. What's your name? Tell me your name." Mitch says. "G-Grace." I stutter. He smiles. "That's a beautiful name." He says. I smile weakly.

"Mitch it hurts." I sob. Scott runs out of the room, waving his arms frantically. "Mitch. What is he-?"

"Don't worry about him. He's getting help okay?" Mitch cuts me off. I let out another sob and clutch my hand to my chest. "How old are you?" He asks. "Four. Fourteen." He gasps. "Honey. What are you doing alone?" I let out another sob. "My mom k-kicked me out. I-I can't go back-k." A tear hits my face and I realize he's crying.

"Why?" He asks, motioning to my wrists. I shrug. "I-It felt better th-than being al-one." Scott rushes in with a paramedic and a stretcher. Three more people run in after them.

"Kirstie, Avi, and Kevin?" I manage weakly. The paramedic and Scott pick me up onto the stretcher. I turn my head slightly to see Mitch sobbing into Scott's shoulder. Kirstie stares after me while Avi and Kevin try to soothe Mitch.

All because of me.

(Mitch's POV)

"Scott. Her mom kicked her out. She's homeless." I sob into Scott's shirt. I grip it tightly with both hands while my tears stain his shirt. He pats my head and holds me tightly. "She's fourteen." I mumble. Scott holds me at arm's length away before looking at the open doorway.

He runs out and I follow him. He gets into his car and motions for me to climb in too. He drives swiftly to the hospital.

"What was her name?" He asks. "Grace. I didn't get a last name." I say. He glances at me. "Hey. She's gonna be okay." He says with a certain finality in his voice.

"Ma'am. A teenage girl was just brought in here with a knife wound in her arm. We found her and contacted the police." Scott says. I clutch his hand and he glances at me before continuing. "We need to see her." The lady looks up at us and says, "Are you family?"

"She has no family!" I yell. The lady looks at me shocked before typing something into her computer. "She's in ICU right now. You'll have to wait."

"I can't wait! I have to see her now!" I shout. The lady glances at me before her eyes widen. "Mitch Grassi. Scott Hoying. Go." She motions us into the ICU hall.

I bound down the hall, following the ear piercings screams that can only belong to Grace. Then the screams stop abruptly. I skid to a halt in front of room 23. Scott bumps into me and catches me as I fall.

I slam the door open and a doctor stands over Grace's limp body with a needle and thread. The doctor jumps and glares at us. He then turns his gaze back to Grace's arm.


"Mr. Grassi. Are you of any relation of the girl you saved last Friday night?" A reporter asks, shoving a microphone in my face. I shake my head. "No." I push my way into the courthouse where Kirstie, Avi, and Kevin wait patiently. Scott pushes in behind me and the three people engulf us into hugs.

"Oh Mitch. You look like you've been to hell and back." Kirstie says sympathetically. I scowl at her playfully. "Where is she?" I ask, searching for Grace.

"With a lawyer." Kirstie responds. I nod and slump into a chair. Scott busies himself with fixing my tie and correcting my hair.

"I hope we get her." I say softly to Scott. He nods thoughtfully. "Me too. But we gave to be careful." I nod before entering the courtroom.


"Ms. Grace Anne Jackson is now under the legal guardianship of Mr. Mitchell Colby-Michael Grassi. Any violation of the law will result in her eviction of your home. Do you understand Mr. Grassi?" The judge finishes. "Yes your honor." I nod. He stands and exits the courtroom.

I look over at Grace and she smiles at me. She runs over and leaps into my arms. I squeeze her tightly against my chest before putting her down.

Tears drop down her face as she speaks. "Mr. Grassi. I want to thank you so much. I've idolized you for so long and now you're my da-guardian. Thank you so much." She lets out a small sob and hugs me again.

"You're welcome sweetheart."

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