Chapter 5: Becky

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I tried to drive away in my car but I can't. I was crying then someone knocked on my window. I decided to roll it down and say, "I'm sorry, I... I was just leaving," I look up to see Officer Smith. Can't he just leave me alone? "Oh..." I try to put my window up hoping he would leave but he stops me.

"Please, don't," he said. He looks deeply at me, like he's staring at my soul. I finally give and tell him to get in the car on the other of the car.

"What do you want? To insult my profession again? If so get the fuck out of my car." At this point I was pissed again and I think I might have been a little harsh on him.

"I wasn't..."

"Then what?!" What the fuck could this asshole want??

"I WAS going to make sure you were okay, but if you're going to be like that then I will leave. And also you were wrong?" I was wrong? What the fuck is wrong with him?

"What do you mean 'I was wrong?'" I said it like I was mocking him because he was being an ass.

"Alex will never win me," he stared at me again. His stare was going to make me melt.

"Stop that!"

"Stop what?"

"Looking at me like that."

"Why? Is it bothering you?"

"Yes, it is. I feel like your reading my soul."

"Well, I read that you found someone dead that was close to you and it was the worst thing that happened to, you were not an adult so it hurt you harder. You know more vulnerable at that age." I don't know how he knew that! I try not to cry and mess with my hands. My hair falls in my face just as a tear falls. Mr. Smith lifts my chin and softly wipes my tear away. His hand was so warm I didn't want to leave this position. I wanted him to lean in and hold me. Kiss me. Love me.

"Your the one wrong this time."

"What?! What do you mean?"

"It wasn't one, okay so it was two and then it was one more followed the others."

"Oh sweetie, I'm sorry." He gives me a little squeeze and asks, "do you want to tell me about it? I got time."

"Not really..."

"It might help."

"Fine," I sniffles, "When I was 5, my brother was 13, and then there was my parents."


"Well," going to remember~
It was my mom, dad, and me going to pick Jack, my brother. The road was slick and you could only see a foot in front of the car. We must must have slid on the ice and hit a snow bank. My head left like it was spinning when we hit the snow bank my head smacked forward and my forehead started to bleed. I woke up in the car, upside down, my parents weren't in the car. I wondered where they went. I started to cry. I couldn't get out. then I screamed. Then it took a couple hours but I was rescued and taken to the hospital. My parents were still no where to be found. Jack was there, he was sad. No one would tell me anything about my parents.
A couple days later my parents still hadn't been seen. I walked home from school. I was in the kitchen eating a snack when Jack came home. He went to his room. He put on his headphones and blasted music, like always. I decided to go to my room, to play, I was think about my perfect Barbies.
When I opened the door. I saw my parents. I thought they were sleeping that's when I saw the pool of blood. I screamed "JACK!!!" It took like two minutes to come. I was paralyzed when he came in and asked what was wrong. All I could do was point my shaky hand.
Jack stumbled backwards and hit the wall. I saw my mom's hand was clenched. It was clenching something. Jack tries to stop me but I pry her hand open. There was a little letter that read, "WE ARE DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU, REBECKA."
The policed never solved that case. I guess my brother always believed that note. He didn't talk to me. I was five, my parents just died, and my brother wouldn't talk to me. A month later Jack stayed home sick. They didn't have us in a foster house yet because they were seeing if there was family so a lady named Jasmine came to check on us after school. I remember I got a cup cake that day at school.
I was skipping my way home. I walked in and screamed at Jack that I was home. He doesn't normally respond so I pop in his room and say I'm back. When I popped in his room I saw him but, he was hanging from a rope attached to the ceiling. There was a note that said, "Are you happy with yourself Becky? I hate you." That was all he said, all he had to say to me.
Clark and Amanda Samantha, my foster parents, spent a lot of years trying get me to forget that. They never had another kid, especially a boy, in fear I might freak. I am never able to forget my past I am Rebecka Samantha Rogers due to my birth and adopted parents, it won't change.~

I was zoned out and the next thing I know is he's telling me he will give me an interview. I ask for a minute alone and he leaves.

I take a couple deep breathes getting ready for the interview. Re-applying my make up and such.

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