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hacker <3

shut up
i got a surprise for

hacker <3


emilyur gf says hi

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ur gf says hi

hacker <3
hacker <3
why are y'all- i thought
y'all- i'm so lost.

we're both at sway n
we talked ab it. dude,
you need to get here

hacker <3
i'm trying tbh, i talked
to kio n the other sway
boys and they're working
on my flight. DONT
tell lieah

ok ok
she's actually pretty
cool, u got lucky with
this one

hacker <3
ik she is, but she doesn't
like me that way or so
she says. i wanna be able
to talk to her about it
in person.

um?? she definitely likes
you. i just think she has
a different way of showing
it. she's called me a
ugly whore like 3 times
since we've been hanging
out but i think we're
cool???? idk

hacker <3
knowing lieah, shes
probably serious.
hacker <3
idk, can you talk to
her for me? i don't wanna
actually be able to
come there and make a
fool of myself expressing
my feelings for her.

ofc, i got you

hacker <3
i kinda feel as though
this is a set up but i'll
take my chances when
it comes to her

woah u really like
her huh

hacker <3
more than i've ever
liked anyone

ima pretend i didn't
see that

hacker <3


"So... you do know Vinnie likes you right?" Emily asked Khalieah as they all sat in the living room of sway.

Khalieah laughed. "Bruh, everybody stay asking me that question. I seriously have no idea how I feel about him. The way we talk to each other was never on no relationship type shit, we talk like he one my girl friends to be honest."

"He only does that because you are constantly talking about Pablo or making him feel bad for caring about you." Kio butted in.

"One thing about it and two things for sure, Lieah is gonna go hard behind Pablo. That nigga could throw her off of Mount Everest and she'll come back as a ghost tryna make things right with him." Bianca spoke.

Noah popped her in her mouth. "Don't say that word around here, if we can't say it.. no one can."

"Oh nah, you trippin." Khalieah responded. "But back to me, since I love being the center of attention."

"You're the center of Vinnie's attention but you don't wanna touch on that topic." Josh said.

"Give me one reason I should give him a chance. I'm not tryna be on no dating shit no time soon though, y'all forgetting i'm still with Pablo and not only that me and Vinnie known each other like a month."

"Nobody said you two had to up and get married, we just wanna see the both of you happy."" Kio said.

"And here's a good reason... he won't abuse you and he's not a criminal.." Emily added. "I know he shouldn't be getting praised for being a decent human being, but he's better than Pablo so..."

"Has Vinnie actually came out and said to any of y'all that he wanna be with me or are y'all tryna play matchmaker?" She asked.

The room fell silent. She was right, he hadn't actually admitted it. His response always had been that Khalieah didn't see him that way. "Well... anybody wanna order some pizza?" Noah asked.

( ✓ ) Idk You Yet, Vinnie Hacker.Where stories live. Discover now