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No one was home except Khalieah and Vinnie. They had been studying, mostly her because she didn't understand anything that was going on in her classes and she needed to pass them to graduate so Vinnie was helping.

"Lieah! How can glass be a liquid if it's hard?" Vinnie questioned.

"Nice question, it can't be. Next!"

Vinnie shook his head. "No, wrong answer. Lieah I need you to focus, this is important. If we're gonna have plans for our future we have to start with getting you out of high school." He encouraged.

"Fine, i'll finish school even though I don't understand anything." She said before going back to writing down her notes.

The both of them continued on work for a while, they weren't talking but it wasn't quiet due to the music they had been playing to concentrate. I was all over her began playing and they looked up at each other with smiles.

"I know I said to focus on school, but I really wanna dance with you." Vinnie spoke.

Khalieah jumped off the couch and stood up, holding her hands out for Vinnie to grab them. They started slow dancing for a bit, and it made the both of them happy. She rested her head on his shoulder and her hands around his neck as his hands made their way to her waist.



"I cant believe this is happening to me, you know? This is like the type of love we see in movies or something. I never thought i'd ever be standing in my living room slow dancing with a guy like you.. a guy that cares." She said softly.

"I feel the same way.. I know the things that happened to you in your past relationships really fucked you up and they can't just be forgotten but I promise I will never make you feel that way. I'm not trying to fix you, but i'm gonna stand by you and support you with everything you do."

"I've never loved like this, or felt love like this. It's scary, and i'm trying to work on myself but i'm glad I have you here to help me."

"So let's do it." He said, pulling away.

Khalieah's eyes widened. "Do what?! You wanna elope? My mama's old wedding dress is right upstairs we can do this right now!" She yelled.

"What?! No, what?! Let's make it official. Like... you be my girlfriend and I be your boyfriend type thing. If you're ready."

"You've been my boyfriend but sure yeah, we can date and then in a year we can get married and babysit other people's kids because we don't want any of our own!" She agreed.

"Who is we....? I want kids, we're having kids."

"Hm... I suppose one kid isn't too bad. We're both sexy, maybe we'll get blessed but I swear to God if our child comes out looking anything like Austin Porters kid we are throwing it in the garbage."

"Deal. But hey, let's go to a theme park or something, just for the hell of it."

"Okay well the only theme park I like is icon park, and that's in Orlando so like we gonna have to take turns driving that's a three hour drive but I can make it two and a half by speeding."


"Wanna hit my pen before we go inside?" Khalieah asked. "Literally like three hard hits will get you high as fuck."

"I feel like everyday i'm with you I get closer to doing crack." Vinnie stated, taking the pen out of her hand. He inhaled the smoke and instantly began coughing.

Khalieah began patting him on the back and laughing. "When I said hit it hard I didn't mean to try to off yourself!" She joked. "Try to hold your breath for a few seconds and see if that helps."

"I'm gonna die!" He yelled.

"You not finna die, when I first started smoking I thought I was gone die too but you see me? I'm alive and well, still smoking." She said. "Here drink some water."

As he drunk the water Lieah hit the pen a few times. "Okay I think i'm good." Vinnie said.

They got out of the car and Lieah wrapped her arm around Vinnie's. As they were walking inside of the park, they stopped to look at the mural. "Whoever did this need their assed whooped." Lieah said "Everyime I come here I be surprised all over again."

"I mean it's not bad, but why did they make Beyoncé and Rihanna white..." Vinnie trailed off.

"Who knows.. so what you wanna go on first? I wanna go in the sugar factory!" Khalieah said. "Or we could go into the wax museum."

"I think.. we should go into the-"

"Vinnie! Hi i'm a really big supporter of you and I really love your tiktoks can we take a picture together?" A girl asked.

Khalieah stepped to the side as Vinnie took a picture with the girl. "Thank you for supporting me, have a good day."

"That was rude. Did she not see us-"

"Hi Vinnie, i'm sorry if i'm interrupting but is it okay if I get a picture with you?"

"Yeah, of course."

"This is gonna be a long night." Khalieah whispered to herself.

didn't know what to do.
writers block is a bitch
so sorry if this was boring

( ✓ ) Idk You Yet, Vinnie Hacker.Where stories live. Discover now