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After the graduation ceremony, Lieah and Vinnie were sitting in her car in the parking lot. He was in the drivers seat while she was on the passenger side on her phone. "Lieah."


"I overreacted earlier... i'm sorry that I ruined your day. I just hate Pablo with every bone in my body.... and you already know i've been cheated on twice with different girls so it's like... I don't know... i'm just insecure and sometimes I do go above and beyond but-"

She placed her index finger over his lip. "You didn't ruin my day, I understand where you're coming from. The thing that pissed me off was you putting the blame on me instead of pulling me to the side and asking me first."

"I know, i'm sorry." He took a deep breath and rubbed his hands on his thighs. "It's been months and we still lack communication, we've tried to fix it multiple times and nothings working."

"Hey, we haven't tried hard enough. We both react before thinking and that's the problem. Unless you're trying to say we should take a break?" She questioned.

He shook his head. "No, no I definitely don't wanna break up. The apartment costed too much to just throw it all away." When he realized what he said, he facepalmed himself.

She furrowed her eyebrows. "What you mean the apartment costed too much, I ain't buy that shit yet. I was gone let you go to LA and stay my ass home..."

He pulled his phone out and handed it over to her. "Go to my messages with Nader Naderi... since i've already slipped up."

"Wait... you got a boyfriend on the side or something?? And y'all got an apartment together?? I don't wanna see that shit... I cannot compete with a man!! He will win!"

"What?! Lieah just open the messages."

She unlocked his phone and went to the messages. When she opened them, she looked up at him with a smile on her face. "You got the apartment I wanted... where you get money from? You dealing?" She joked.

"I actually did help Reggie sell a few puff bars, don't tell my mom though." They both laughed. "But no seriously, I deadass sold puff bars with Reggie plus i'm on the creator fund thing now so i'm getting paid."

"You didn't have to get this though, I was going to do it myself eventually."

He shrugged. "Well it wasn't all for you of course, I decided i'm not gonna move into Sway. I can get the same opportunities just by living in LA. I don't need them."

"Just say it was for me and call it a day."

"Okay, it was definitely for you. I've been wanting to finally do something to show you how much I love you since like.. I started catching feelings for you."

"If you was in love with me after two weeks just say that."

"I was, i'm not even gonna hold you. I remember you always talking about other guys and I was just sitting there like a total goober with a fat ass crush on you.... I just had to get to know you more to realize you're the type of person who doesn't fall so easily."

"Now I know you did not just say goober... but you right. I did not like you, at all. I was like... this nigga forreal catching feelings over how i'm texting him. Ole simp ass."

"When did you realize though, that you were in love with me?"

"Um.... when I seen that you weren't anything like the guys from my past. You would do anything for me, and you cared. I was like damn, I thought you were gonna end up being my bestfriend and staying that way but it became so much more."

"I also got another surprise..."


"I talked to Austin, and he agreed on letting us meet Theo."

Khalieah gasped before wrapping her arms around his neck. "I love you so much! We kidnapping megamind right?!"


"I tried. Anyway, um we need to hurry and get home so I can shower and get ready for the party. No, it's not a big one. Just my friends, your family and my family. Basically a get together."

"Right, okay."

hey. i got fired!!! idgaf tho.

just kidding, i've been
crying since last night lol!

anyway, um. yeah..

( ✓ ) Idk You Yet, Vinnie Hacker.Where stories live. Discover now