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"Number forty seven said to number three!" Lieah sung.

"You're the cutest jailbird I ever did see,
I sure would be delighted with your company!"

Vinnie grabbed Lieah and swung her around. "Come on and do the Jailhouse Rock with me!"

Bianca and Noah walked into the hotel room, stopping in their tracks when they realized they were interrupting. "Uh.. I just left my key card for my room in here." Bianca spoke, grabbing it off of the dresser.

"No, you're good. We were honestly bored as fuck. Y'all wanna go on a double date? I kinda want some seafood." Khalieah asked.

Vinnie shoved her. "I don't eat seafood."

"Okay, hubby don't like seafood. What about a steak place or something?"

Noah shrugged. "Yeah, i'm fine with that. What time did you plan on wanting to go? I'd have to go home and take a shower, B and I went to the beach."

"Oh my god, Vin do you wanna go to the beach? Fuck these two bitches I haven't worn my bathing suit yet." She asked. "I'm doing a lot of talking and not getting any feedback from you, you speak."

"Lieah, I told you I don't care what we're doing as long as i'm with you."

Bianca fake gagged. "Y'all disgust me."

"Fat neck Noah disgusts me and I don't say shit." Khalieah said. "Anyway, you and your boyfriend can leave so Vin and I can get ready for the beach."


"So you've never taken any drugs? Like... you've never snorted just a bit of coke or taken a little bite of a shroom? Or smoked weed?" Khalieah asked as she and Vinnie sat on the beach underneath their tent.

He shook his head. "Nope, i've never really thought about it. I do sports, so I get tested regularly for drugs and none of my friends are into that kinda stuff. I don't think i'm into it much either though." He explained. "You?"

"I've taken every drug ever... mostly because i'm used to fucking with either drug addicts or drug dealers... or drug dealers who are addicted to their product."

"Is it bad that I don't do drugs? Like does that make you want me a little less?" He asked.

She laughed and shook her head no. Vinnie loved hearing her laugh, so he did try to have her laugh as much as he could so when they weren't around each other, it'd be easier to remember. "You're the only good boy i'd make an exception for." She said.

"That's honestly kinda funny because you're the only bad girl that i'd ever be with. I just realized this sounds like some cliche ass story on wattpad but it's true." He responded.

"Not you on the W app. I'm on that hoe too though, let's keep that between us. My friends would clown my ass."

"My friends don't know i'm on that shit either, so this is something we keep to each other. No one else."

"So true. Let's go in the water though, I want these waves to drown my ass."

give me people/shows/
movies to write for 🙄.
i know i barely update
this but idgaf i wanna
write more shit i'm just

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