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liked by sydneyvmay and 8,435 others.
vibeykha til next time <3
view all comments.

username WAIT

username i love how
they're keeping their
relationship private.

username this >>>

username we lost
him ladies :(
username we
never had him. respect
his girl :)

username out of all
the girls he couldve...

sydneyvmay the cutest
babies ever
vibeykha yes 🚗
username aren't you
friends with emily

emmnicoll y'all look
too good together omg

username i'm sorry
i liked him with emily
better sorry just my
opinion please don't
attack me.
emmnicoll respect
the fact he's happier in
his current situation:)

vinniehacker i was
gonna post this one
asshole 😐
vibeykha but u
didn't . oop gotta be
quicker than that 😼

username this could've
stayed in your camera
roll bc we don't care <3
vibeykha u coulda
kept this comment to
yourself bc IDGAF!
gtfo hoe still wearing
light up sketchers grown
as you is 😐.

username she isn't
good for vinnie but k
vibeykha u don't
know me. he do. you
in our business? don't
do that 🤠

blakegray yo stop
replying to comments
let them talk
vibeykha no nigga
ion got no reputation
to uphold like y'all. i
say wtf i want they not
finna try to bully me into
deleting this tf



liked by bbiancaa and 198,134 others

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liked by bbiancaa and 198,134 others.
vinniehacker haven't even left yet n i already miss u :(
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"Okay um do you have everything packed? I took three of your shirts by the way and a hat but that's it. Just make sure you have everything so we won't miss our flights." Khalieah said as she and Vinnie walked around the hotel room making sure they didn't forget any of their belongings.

Vinnie sighed, it was clear something was on his mind but he didn't know how to say it. "I'm sure I have everything."

"You sound pissy, what I do now?" She asked in a joking manner but he didn't laugh. "Oh shit, you for real upset. Come here."

They sat down on the edge of the bed. "I just don't wanna leave yet. I wanna be somewhere, anywhere, with you and only you. At home my parents are constantly on my ass about things and my brother is annoying as fuck. I feel like everyone except you exhausts me." He explained.

"Bruh, you acting like this is the last time we're seeing each other. Like you said to me when I had the same worries, we have phones and we can talk to each other everyday. We're gonna be able to see each other again sometime."

"But when."

She shrugged. "Ask the universe, because I sure as hell don't know. All I know is that i'm gonna have to work around Bianca's schedule in this situation because my mama don't trust me to be traveling alone. And you? Your mom don't know me so it's kinda gonna be hard for you."

"So come to Seattle." She lifted an eyebrow at him. "Like, ill pay or something and you get a hotel for one night maybe then you come meet my parents and boom you're able to stay over at my place for the rest of your trip."

"They not gonna let me stay after meeting me one time." She said.

"Yes they are! Trust me, I know my parents."

There was a knock at the door and Khalieah opened it. Bianca stood there with her bags. "Uh, we have to get to the airport like now if we don't wanna be late. Vinnie do you have the same flight time as us?" She asked.

"Um, no. My flight is later in the day so i'll just get a lyft and go to sway until it's time for me to go." He answered.

"We can drop you off, it's really not a problem." Bianca offered. "It'd be rude for us to leave you here when you were here with us."

"I'm sure. Lieah, do you want me to take your bags to the car?"

"No, but B i'll meet you down there." She closes the door and immediately hugs Vinnie. "Don't be sad bruh, we're gonna figure something out."

"Lieah, are you crying?" He asked.

"This ain't about me, i'll cry it out and leave it at that but I just wanna make sure you'll be good." She sniffled.

"If I say i'll be good will you stop crying?"

"If you mean it."

He pulled out of the hug and places his hands on her shoulders. "Lieah, i'll be okay. When you get off of your plane call me and i'll be waiting. Thank you for giving me the best week i've had in a while. I truly adore you."

He wiped her tears from her eyes and she smiled. "Good, now I better go before Bianca starts being embarrassing and honking her horn. Thank you so much, big head."

girl tbh i just got tired
of trying to come up w
date ideas for them so
they going home 🚗🚗

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