Takinoue and Kinoshita's after match interaction

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After Karasuno finished celebrating their victory over Shiratorizawa, Kinoshita looked at the stands and saw Takinoue gesture for him to meet outside the gym.

Kinoshita waited outside the gym for Takinoue. Once he saw his cousin, he walked over to him and they went somewhere they were less likely to be interrupted. "You boys did well today, managing to win against Shiratorizawa." Yūsuke said once both he and Kinoshita found a private spot away from everyone.

"Thanks. Also thanks for supporting the team in all our matches."

"Don't worry about it." Takinoue said smiling at the young pinch server. "You and the other members on the side are also to thank for the teams win." Hisashi just smiled at his older cousins words. The two continued talking for awhile before Narita found them.

"There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you!" Narita said, then he noticed that Takinoue was with Kinoshita and sent him a questioning look. Hisashi sighed knowing he couldn't come up with an excuse this time. "He's my older cousin."

Narita almost fell over but was able to keep standing. "Not what I was expecting, but okay." The two blondes just ended up laughing. The three just carried on talking before Narita and Kinoshita figured it would be a good time to return to their team before they worried where the second year middle blocker and wing spiker went.

The two entered the gym just in time to see Suga enter with Shiratorizawa's setter. Narita and Kinoshita shared a look that said 'Why would Suga be with a member of Shiratorizawa?' The two also noticed that Akiteru and Saiko had come into the gym. Akiteru was congratulating his younger brother and Kei was being his usual salty self. Saiko was congratulating her younger brother, as well as Noya, Hinata and Kageyama. The duo laughed a little before heading over to Ennoshita.

BONUS (Narita's POV):

We had just finished our little celebration. We won. We beat Shiratorizawa. The team was tired but happy and excited that we'd won the Spring High finals and that we'd be heading to Nationals. Anyway we'd just finished celebrating our victory, when I noticed that Kinoshita wasn't with us anymore which made me panic.

Ennoshita noticed my worry. "What's up?" Chikara asked in a worried voice and placed a hand on my shoulder to try and calm me down.

"Kino's gone and I don't know where he went." I said with panic evident in my voice. My response caused Ennoshita to look around the gym. Once he noticed Kino wasn't in here with us, he told me to go and see if I could find him.

I must have been searching for about 10 minutes before I spotted the very familiar kit and Kino's sandy blonde hair. "There you are, I've been looking everywhere for you" I said walking over to him. I then noticed another blonde haired person next to Hisashi that I recognised as one of the Neighbourhood Association team members. 'Why is he talking to Kino?' I thought.

I sent Hisashi a questioning look to which he sighed in response before saying "He's my older cousin." I did not expect that answer and almost fell over but managed to stay standing. "Not the answer I was expecting, but okay." I said and the two in front of me just ended up laughing.

We ended up just talking for awhile before deciding it was a good time to return to the team. Kino gave his cousin one last hug before we headed back to our friends.

As soon as we entered the gym we saw that Tanaka's older sister had entered the gym and was congratulating her younger brother along with Noya, Hinata and Kageyama. There was also another blonde with Tsukishima, probably his brother, who was being his usual salty self.

We saw Suga enter the gym with a member of Shiratorizawa. I looked at Kino, and saw he was thinking the exact same thing as I was 'Why would Suga be with a member of Shiratorizawa?'

We looked back at Tsukishima then to Tanaka and the others before laughing a little and heading over to Ennoshita, who attacked Kino in a tight hug as he was glad Kinoshita was okay. I just stood there smiling at my two best friends.

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