Suga and Semi's after match interaction

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After Karasuno had their little celebration for winning against Shiratorizawa, Suga caught Semi's gaze and motioned for Shiratorizawa's number 3 to follow him. Semi made sure no one from his team was looking, and followed Suga but failed to noticed the younger setter watching.

Once outside the gym, and away from prying eyes, Suga hugged Semi but wasn't impressed that his younger cousin was taller than him. Suga was 5'8" while Semi was 5'10", it was a 2 inch difference in height but Suga still didn't like the fact he was shorter.

"Eita, you're too tall shrink down a little!" Suga whined in a playful tone.

"I'm not that much taller, Koushi."

"Yeah, but I'm still older."

The two third year setters started laughing but soon managed to calm themselves down.

"Congrats on winning" Eita said after fully calming down. "You and your team played well."

"Thanks, so did you and the rest of your team" Koushi said.

"Thanks" Eita said smiling at his older cousin. The two talked for a bit, catching up, talking about random things and trying to make each other laugh. They were interrupted when Daichi came out of the gym looking for Suga. When he saw Semi, he was confused as to why Suga would be talking with Shiratorizawa's third year setter.

"Suga, what are you doing?"


"I can see that."

Semi just burst out laughing at the captain and vice-captain of Karasuno's volleyball team, but pouted at Suga when he hit him to make him stop laughing.

"I meant, why are you with Shiratorizawa's number 3?"

Suga sighed "'Cause, Daichi." Eita sniggered at the tone Suga used but stopped when Koushi glared at him.

"Suga!" The tone Daichi used made both Suga and Semi look at each other and Suga finally told Daichi why he was with the ash blonde haired setter.
"'Cause, Daichi, he's my younger cousin."

Daichi looked shocked for a second before leaving the two to continue. Once Daichi went back into the gym, the two pinch servers fell over laughing over Daichi's expression and failed to hear the gym doors open.

The rest of the Shiratorizawa team were confused as to why their number 3 was with Karasuno's number 2. "SemiSemi!" Tendou said in a fake disappointed tone which got the two setters attention and they looked up to see the rest of Shiratorizawa standing in front of them. Semi cursed under his breath. "What you doing out here with Karasuno's number 2, Eita?" Tendou asked slinging his arm around Semi's shoulder.

Semi looked at Satori before punching him and sighing, there was no getting out of this mess. "Suga's my older cousin." Eita's response shocked the rest of his team, and caused Tendou to fall over.

"EITA!" Satori said in a mock offended voice.

"What?" Semi asked, kind of annoyed with the redhead that, for some unknown reason, was still on the floor.

"How come you didn't tell me?" Tendou whined.

"'Cause you didn't need to know" Semi said fed up with Tendou's antics.

"Is he always like that?" Suga asked.

"Yep, but I've gotten used to it by this point" Semi replied. "The real question is, how did you know I was out here?"

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