Okay so super long chapter! I was thinking of splitting it up but I think it says a lot! So enjoy and please vote!!!
No ones pov
The Reaper smiled over the loud howls of pain coming from the two men tied down with heavy chains connected to the car batteries. Both of them were covered in sweat and were having some difficulty breathing but they held their grounds.
"I know its a little elaborate, I must admit, but...." he continued walking around the two men "old-school interrogation techniques are my favorite" he laughed. "remember when you first had to do this Kawaki?! Gosh, you were so scared.....how things have changed."
Kawaki side-eyed The Reaper as he continued around his circle "Lots of things have changed Shi."
The Reaper looked between them with mincing eyes "You know after a few shocks I can get whatever entail I need out of someone..... I wonder how many shocks it will take to kill a man?"
Boruto snickered past the pain "oh, please, it will take a lot more to kill me."
The Reaper looked at him lifting an eyebrow "Hm, okay" He then pressed the button connected to the electrical currents and instantly caused them to yell out in extreme pain from the strong shocks.
After what felt like hours for them he stopped just before they could pass out.
Once Kawaki was able to catch his breath he then looks over at Boruto "You just had to open your mouth didn't you?"
Boruto threw his head back fighting the pain "I...I thought it was a cool thing to say at the moment."
"Kawaki, people always see us as the enemy" The Reaper looks over at Boruto then walked around slowly "the bad guys, but really we were just one of them! Sure our methods were a little unorthodox but we saw the worst of the worst. We saw the worse in people, our counties, our leaders, our enemies, our...families" he turned to look right at his former apprentice.
Kawaki scoffed "family, you don't know the meaning of that word anymore."
Blonde scoffed "Yeah, well neither does he" he then looks over at Kawaki "I mean he shot you right in the head but I think at this moment, it was a hell of a good idea."
Shi walked closer to Boruto "Blondie, you still talking?"
"I said, I thought it was a hell of a good I-"
Boruto then yells in pain as The Reaper puts another large amount of electricity in both the men's body again.
"Shut the hell up Boruto!!" Kawaki yelled with difficulty breathing after that last one.
The Reaper laughed "You know, it is funny how humanity's hate for each other is stronger than its own self-preservation, which is why were are here." He paused looking back at Kawaki "remember a few years back when Salakua asked us to join their mission?"
"More like their death cult. They were lunatics then and are lunatics now Shi!" Kawaki hisses in anger.
The Reaper ran towards him grabbing his neck cutting off his air supply "Visionaries. Visionaries of a future, a bigger and brighter future." Shi saw that Kawaki was not backing down and let go, giving him a moment to breath again. "You remember the data they gave us, with environmental damage, capitalism, terrorism..... Humanity will wipe itself out in 90 years or so. Now that, that is scary to me but if we fulfill Salakuas vision, you save the world." he preached truly believing in this group, this movement.

The Hunt (Boruto AU)
ActionBoruto AU A new and dangerous high tech organization called the Salakau is now in the position of a deadly virus that could wipe out half the world's population. That weapon accidentally ends up in the hands of agent Himawari Uzumaki and is now on...