Chapter 17

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The Reaper crawled out of the damaged helicopter to see the young Uzumaki girl laying on the face down. He flips her over causing her blue eyes to snap open, looking up at him. She was alive and trying her best to get up but she couldn't due to the minor injuries from the crash.

He then noticed the machine still intact with only five minutes left till the virus was safely secure for the taking.

"Hey! Get up!" The Reaper yelled at the last man left to survive from the crash. He goes over pulling the man upon his feet "you dont die until I tell you to die!"

The young brown-haired man stumbles around but finally gets his footing. He looks at the young women then back at his boss. The Reaper gives the man his extra gun "Listen to me, when that timer hits zero, shoot her. The Salakua no longer wants her so she is of no use!"

Himawari glares up at the men standing over her trying to find her way out. It was almost impossible. She also didn't know how far away she was from the base so Hima knew she was as good as dead if she didn't think.

Just then she sees a banged-up truck come from behind the large rock they crashed next to. It stopped so quickly it caused the air around them to be submerged in dust.  

Boruto and Kawaki roll out of the truck all cut up and bruised but still able to fight.

"Himawari!" Kawaki said aloud the moment he saw her on the ground with a gun pointed at her while she was injured and vulnerable.

The Reaper looked over with a smile on his face "This isn't going to end your way boys"

They had to get through him to get to Himawari.

"Yeah, you keep telling yourself that!" Boruto yelled already in a fighting position.

The Reaper started pacing like a lion looking for prey "The numbers dont add up for you both. The evolution of man is coming, whether you like it or not. We won and the virus is ours in only three minutes."

"You know I almost feel bad for you" Kawaki added in "Its not just metal they filled your head with."

"it's bullshit," Boruto said finishing Kawaki's statement for him.

The Reaper stopped and focused on the two men "I was beginning to like you two, you know that?" His eye turned to a bright orange showing just how much machine he was "oh well."

He ran at the young men as they too met him in the middle to show what power they had as well.

The Reaper's brain is able to see what a person is able to do and how powerful it will be. It is all thanks to mathematics and science that he is able to see their next moves.

Boruto ran throwing a punch but he quickly dodged it and then punched right across the face. Boruto was caught off by the power behind the hit and was not able to properly defend himself when The Reaper threw him to the side of a big rock.

Kawaki made his way over but The Reaper knew and landed several hits in the face. He then made a powerful kick to Kawakis core before his young student could even get a hit in.

Boruto finally got up and ran at The Reaper pushing him back a bit, but was not strong enough and given another hard blow to the face.

The Reaper turned around to see Kawaki running at him again but with more anger. They hit and dodged each other punches for a while. It looked as though they were just sparing but both of them were seeing blood. Shi got in a final hit causing Kawaki to fall on the ground next to the blonde.

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