A Negotiation With Ocean

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Me: Ocean is the only thing which matches to my soul.

Ocean: If I match your soul then what made you to match me ?

Me: My depths and my heart !

Ocean: To offer you my love, I must know what you see into me ?

Me: To me you are a generous giver, who offers everyone with something they want. Other than riches and treasures you offer to the world, I love you for your storms, restlessness, depths and moments of peace. 

Ocean: When they will question your rationality for loving an ocean, what will you do ?

Me: I know the depths of ocean aren't for shallow people. I won't make them to understand this. But to know your love, they have to take my soul and go through everything,I have gone through. It is the only way to know what I feel for you. 

Ocean: Come to me for an eternal hug, dive into my heart to know all my depths. 

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