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This is my first fanfiction and i don't realy know yet where this story will bring me. I hope this first chapter will pick your curiosity and that you'll want to know more about my OC ! Please review, tell me everything you think, good or bad (even if i count on the kindness of this community :) !

/!\ English is not my first language so there are probably a lot of error. I'm trying to get better at writting, please be nice :)


Right. Down. Block. Kick. Repeat. Blue clash against blue, all eyes following the swings and jumps of their owner. He was tired, the fight was far too long for him. Up. Slash. Block. Fall...

« Enough ! »

The little Zabrak was breathless, looking at the blue lame above is head. The Master walked between the two yonglings.

« This fight is over. Yongling Thio won this round. » he said wile glancing at the young man with pride. « You, get up. » The Zabrak, still recovering, blink several times before obeying. « Again, your lack of concentration betrayed you. It's time for you to really improve yourself before it's too late. »

« Y-yes Master. » was all the little zabrak could respond.

The Master then dismiss the two of them before the eyes of all the yonglings in the temple and some curious Knights and Masters leaning in circle around the combat zone.

After reaching for his usual place, in the back of the room, away from the others, he let his emotions take the better of him. How could he be so stupid ? A quiet sobbing escape his lips. A Jedi never let his emotions surpassing him. And what was he doing ? Crying in the shadow, pitying himself in the corner like a child.

« Yongling Kopan, are you alright ? » ask a female voice.

Koplan knew this voice. Master Hoebe, a middle-age woman know for her strengh and her kindness. She has short-cut brun hair, blue eyes and a light skin tone, pretty much like a lot of female human in the galaxie. What surprised first the little zabrak, was the sigh of a cut ear, seeing only the earlobe attached to a lskin mass where the ear should be. Earing no reponse from the yongling, Master Hoebe gave a hand to the zabrak with a small smile.

« Come on, I want to talk to you. »

Wiping his tears, Koplan took her hand and rise on his feet. While the tournament of yongling capture the attention of other people in the room, Maste Hoebe walked outside, in the corridor.

« You gonna send me to the Agricorp, don't you Master ? » ask Koplan while looking at his feet, ashame of himself.

« Why do you say that ? »

« T-that was my last chance to become a Padawan... Now I... I failed... A-and I'm too old and... »

Koplan took his ginger braid in his hand, keeping another tear from falling as he follow the Master wherever she was leading him to. Hoebe posed a warn hand on his shoulder, not leaving her gaze in front of her.

« Koplan... I saw you back there, in fact, it wasn't the first time I saw you fight but this time, do you know what I've seen ? »

Koplan shook his head quietly.

« I've seen a kind, strong mind zabrak, doing his best not to let his emotions guide him. »

« W-what... ? » Hoebe smile at him, patting his soulder.

« You need to shield your mind young one. Everyone could feel the fear and the pity you were experiencing toward Thio. But you didn't back away, nor attacked him by revenge. You were restraining yourself, weren't you ? »

« I... Yes. I mean... I don't like him but for some reason... I didn't want him to loose in a fight with the 'coward zabrak' in front of everyone. I know this doesn't make sens but- «

« It does. You were pitying him, knowing that, only living by his reputation, defeat him would be the end of his very life in the temple. »

Suddenly, Master Hoebe stop abruptly in front of him. She crouch to be at the same level than the little zabrak.

« Koplan, there is no shame in taking the blows to help someone. It means that you have a good heart and a will of iron. But it's okay sometime to break, you can't take everyone anger and sadness even if you know they need it. Even if it hurts, the right -but not least simple- thing to do is to tell the truth. Do you understand ? » she said with a motherly smile.

« Yes Master, I think I understand. »

Koplan let his lips curl in a shy smile, his eyes still puffy after crying.

« Good. The next time, don't take the burden on your own. Talk to him, or if he doesn't want to listen, talk to a Master, he will know how to appease the origin of this anger. »

Master Hoebe was the best, kindly, wisest Master Koplan knew - except maybe for Master Yoda-. He only saw her time to time in the archives or in the garden, but never before he has talked to her. She was the first human being who understood his situation and he didn't even have to tell her ! She tousled his short ginger hair, being careful not to touch at the beginning of horns around his head. Koplan giggles, for once happy to finally talk to someone about it.

Since his arrival in the Temple, he was called the 'coward Zabrak'. There was not many zabrak Jedi and even less yongling. His blue-yellow eyes and his facial marks didn't help him. Of course there were a lot of species in the Order, Human, Togruta, Twi'lek or Mon Calamari... But none of the yongling of his age has never seen a Zabrak in flesh. His species was perceived like a barbaric clan who follow order whitout second-thinking.

He was a easy target, resting preferably alone, training in is corner, talking to no one... That was what brought Thio to him. A human, popular for his strengh in the force and arrogant. What a gift for him to have someone to bully without anyone to care ! Showing off his superiority by making Koplan an outsider, a weird thing who lost his way in the Temple.

Koplan against all odds, didn't really mind. If bullying him help Thio feeling better, he will let him continue. His lack of answer and defense have earned him the title of 'Coward Zabrak'. What could he win by stand agains him ? A few bruises and more insults at best. There were no need to fight, the best option for him was to ignore Thio presence.

Though, the Zabrak kept in mind is goal. One day... Yes, one day, he will become a Jedi Master. Everyone would pay him respect and his name will be remember for generations !

The wink gave by Master Hoebe before she left was all it need to revive the hope of the little Zabrak.

Well... That was before a Padawan and a little boy came back from a mission. Rumors spread quickly between the yonglings and padawans, proclaiming that the Padawan, Obi-wan Kenobi, defeated a Sith Lord... a Zabrak know as Darth Maul.

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