Chapter 3

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I am sorry for the waiting ! I'll be in vacation this next 2 weeks so I might writting slower. I'll try to find the time tho !
Hope you'll enjoy this chapter !

To Ghostymood : Thanks ! This one is for you :p


11 Years Later

« Push me. » Anakin whispered.

« What ? »

« She's looking, push me ! »

From the corner of the eyes, the zabrak saw that she was in fact looking at him. Serra Keto and her brown wavy hair loosely attach in two quilt, her eyes, mixed of grey and blue like a sea storm contrasting with her light color robe.

« Koplan ! » Anakin yelled but not to much to not attract attention.

Dammit ! He probably passes more time than convenient looking at her. Distraction was always his biggest default. And in a middle of training ? Idiot ! Without more hesitation, Koplan call on the Force to push Anakin's blade away from his own. Anakin stumble backward, letting an opportunity for Koplan to disarm his opponent. With a force push, Anakin let the zabrak renverse him, his lightsaber flying some meters away.

« Alright ! Alright ! You win. » he said louder, hands up, a smirk on his lips.

Koplan extend his hand to help him on his feets, a small blush rising to his cheeks. « Why did you do that ? » he whispered, trying his best not to look again toward her.

« Wasn't it the best way to impress her ? » he smack him in the shoulder. « I mean c'mon, I know you two flirt behind my back. »

His face couldn't be redder than this moment, and he knew it. Anakin may be his friend - the only one in fact - but sometime he wishes he could erase the tease of him. And first, they didn't flirt ! She, like him, was a Jedi and Jedi doesn't have attachment. He couldn't love her, not that he would in the first place. She was beautiful, yes and they spoke a few times but that doesn't mean anything ! Plus, Koplan knew Anakin was seeing someone himself. Or at least... he was thinking of someone most of the time.

« You're insane. » he answered still as a whisper.

« Well maybe... But look who can't unfocus her attention on you mh ? » he wiggles his eyebrow with a playful smile.

Could he risk looking at her ? Part of him didn't care about what she was thinking of him. The logical part he guessed... But why did he let Anakin biased their fight just to show off then ? Anakin always won a fight against him and he was too proud to let Koplan take the advantage even just for one time. Unless... He found something more valuable than his pride, like embarrassing him. Yeah, that seems a sufficient reason. The zabrak roll his eyes and then walk toward Anakin's lightsaber still on the floor.

« You'll thank me one day ! »

He opened his mouth to respond but the words kept low in his throat. He froze in place, Anakin's lightsaber in his hand.

« Hey, you're alright ? » Anakin approached him, worried.

But the zabrak didn't respond. His limps began shaking, his eyes looking into the void. He blinked uncontrollably, falling to his knees. Everything was mooving around him, the floor, the people and his body didn't respond to his command.

« Koplan ?! Can you here me ?! Koplan ! »

And then all went black. His eyes were burning like acid threw to his globe. He started screaming, crying for help while his body was still frozen. Pictures began to flash in his mind. Before him stood a young man in Jedi robe, kneeling at a woman side. Blood spill everywhere around them, the woman in the man's arms covered with multiples deep cuts and bruises. Still in his own pain, he could sense that the man's pain was far more powerful than his. It wasn't physical but mental, a pain that no one should endure. He felt so much pity, sadness and compassion toward the young man... the burning sensation through his eyes making him sick, impossible to support both of their pain, he threw up on the black floor. He extends his hand, trying to catch the man's arm to let him know his presence, but he felt nothing than sparkles in his arms still at his side. « I'm sorry ! Please ! I'm so sorry ! » He started to apologize between sobs, the man's head getting up toward him like he was hearing him but before he could see his face, he was pushed back by an invisible force, his head hitting the floor with a loud thud.

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