Ch 3: I promise!

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Sydney's POV✌️

Once I calmed down and decided I was ready to talk again, I opened my door so my mother could come in.

"Honey, I just want to help you." She paused, "We just want to help you." She frowned, "We want you to get better Syd." A single tear ran down her cheek. "We love you."

I panicked. "But mom I've changed! It's not as bad as it used to be! I promise!" I lied. Ugh.

When you're me, not lying is one of the hardest challenges in life.

The other is trying not to eat all of the Nutella.

My mother gave me a look of disappointment and said quietly, "See Hun? It's worse. Now please get dressed, support group starts soon." She patted my leg and left my room so I could get ready.

All I did was take my hair down, curl it, and put it into a side ponytail. After I was finished with my hair, I quickly put on some mascara and perfume to top it off.

I picked up my phone off my nightstand and ran down stairs. As soon as I went to grab the keys, my dad beat me there and grabbed them off the hook, just so he could say "You will be in deep shit if you ditch support group."

I nodded in obedience as he dropped the keys into my palms. I gave him a smile, told them I loved them, and I was out the door. I started my beat up blue pickup truck my parents got me for my sixteenth birthday and before I knew it I was on my way to group.

+ + +

Skyler's POV🎱

As me and Charlie jammed out to Uptown Funk by Bruno Mars throughout the suburbs of a boring Springfield, Illinois, we started circling around the Community Center. We waited until the song was over until we finally parked. When my sister and I finally got out of my purple beat up blazer, we walked into the building looking for the last floor above the basement.

"Hey I gotta take a waz..." Charlie said awkwardly. Since this is Charlie's first time at group, I gave her directions to the bathroom and the floor where we would be meeting. "Alright, thanks. I'll meant ya there Sky."

I started walking down the stairs, casually making my way to support group. But as soon as I started going down the steps, I heard a squeak of shoes.

I turned around to see a girl who had started falling down the stairs.

Before I could react she squealed and we tumbled down the rest of the stairs together. When we finally stopped falling, I opened my eyes and groaned.

Only a few inches away from my face, I saw the most beautiful brunette I've ever seen. She had a huge sweatshirt on that was way too big for her, which made her look adorable, and leggings that hugged her medium sized legs. Not to mention her slightly chubby cheeks that highlighted her nerd framed glasses. And those eyes, a sky blue mixed with grey, I could just stare into them all day.


She looks like a cute little nerd.

She started stuttering. "I-uh... um. Thanks I guess?" Her tan face started to turn a scarlet red.

Oh shit.

I started freaking out "Did I just say that out loud?" I felt my face get hot.

She giggled and blushed even more and said, "Yea you did." Then she suddenly frowned "I'm so sorry... I was in a hurry... and then there was this person behind me and they pus-" she took a deep breath and slowly got off of me.

I stared at her both perplexed and intrigued.

"Look. Are you here for support group?" She asks quietly.

I nod my head hoping she'll go on.

"Okay good. Well," She paused, thinking about what to say.

God I barely know this girl and I already know that she's cute as can be. I can't trust her though. I can't trust anyone... Not anymore at least.

"My name is Sydney." She stated as she held out her hand for me to shake. "and I have a compulsive lying disorder."

I took her hand in mine and shook it. Sparks flew up my arm but I tried to ignore it. She shivered, I wonder if she felt it too?

She sighs and says, "No one pushed me down the stairs. I fell because my shoes were wet and I'm such a klutz." She looked at her hands. "I'm sorry."

I groan as I get up.


That's gonna leave a mark in the morning.

I held my hand out to help her off the the ground and she took it. She apologized again and I said, "You're fine Syd. Mind if I call ya that?" I smirked at her as she turned that beautiful scarlet color again.

She mumbled something I couldn't hear. "What was that?" I asked.

She sighed. "I said I've never had a nickname before..."

I chuckled. "Well you do now." She smiled and I returned it. "I'm Skylar."

She sat there staring at me. I realized I was doing the same. I decided to take this opportunity to make a her feel embarrassed again. "I know I'm hot Syd, but, come on. If your gonna check me out, do it when I'm not looking." She blushed when I winked at her.

"I was not checking you out!" I chuckled and moved closer. "Maybe you had something on your face and I was debating on weather or not to tell you about it." She smirked.

️I bopped her nose. "Keep telling yourself that cutie." Her eyes widened and I laughed.

She punched me and I groaned. It actually hurt. "So why're you at support group?" She asked. I could tell she was trying to change the subject since I just openly called her cute.

I sighed soon after and before I thought about what she would say, I decided to tell her. "I am addicted to methamphetamine because my mother did drugs while I was conceived." I looked down at the ground. She's going to slowly walk away. Why did I open myself up to her? Even if it was only a little bit, she'd still judge me and call me names.

I can't believe I shared something so personal with a girl I barely knew. She moved closer to me and said, "We all have our flaws, some worse than others." She paused as she looked away for a second. Then looked up at me once again, "But just because we are flawed doesn't mean we are bad people."

Wow. She understood. She gets it. Maybe I judged her too quickly...

Then she lowered her voice and got very quiet, "That goes for not only you, me, and every other soul in this group, but your mother too." She gave me a sad smile and said, "See you in group." She then softly and playfully punched my arm and left.

I leaned against the wall and then mumbled to myself, "God she's amazing." I shouldn't want to be around her but, I do.

"Aww, but Sky I thought I was amazing?" Charlie laughed at me as soon as she knew she had messed with me.

"Char! How long have you been there!" I freaked.

"Oh just long enough to see her punch your shoulder and you mumble about her like the lover-boy you are." She winked and walked past me whispering "I promise I won't tell."

I walked into Support Group knowing:

Charlie is in a good mood.

I just met a cute nerd named Sydney.

And I can't wipe this huge grin off my face, no matter how hard I try.


Hey guiz.

So they finally met!😁

I honestly think Sky and Char are the best siblings ever.

Anywho, comment wut you thought!💘

xo- Thor

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