Chapter 4: Dream or a Memory?

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It was a regular day again, I went back to school and had lots of stuff to do especially since I was suspended a week. I sigh in frustration.
I didn't know this day will be torture.

( Time Skipped )
You were home and frustrated with all these homework and projects. As time passes after all the homework, the projects are the only one left. You were sitting on a chair and slouch on the study table. You were bored and tired, you left your homework on your studying table as you brought your projects inside your room. The project you were about to do was make something that will be a representation of your future and the others are just Q/A in the notebook. You took one pencil as you ready your 1/4 illustration board. You were basically sitting on the bed with your illustration board.
I guess I'll take time to make this project then, you told yourself as you grab your headphone, as well your phone listen to music. You were scribbling don't know what to draw. It took you an hour to finally draw something despite it being 1 in the morning.

( Time Skipped again brought to you by Author having trouble with the plot. )

You were walking in the street while having to wear your jacket even though it is sunny. You were holding your art. You noticed there was a car slowly driving beside you. You didn't mind until you saw the cars left window that is facing you lowered to see one of the girls you met last night. You were shocked. How did they found me? You asked yourself.

Y/n: " how did you 4 knew we're I live?" Y/n asked in a confused tone.

" Seb told us." Kai'sa

Of course, Seb would've told them.

Y/n: " well since I'm in a hurry, I'll talk to you all later." You said with a hurried voice.

You started walking away from the car but you noticed that the car was still following. What's with these girls, all of a sudden following me? You said to yourself as you walk a bit faster. You heard someone was calling your name as you glanced to were it was.
You look to see the 4 girls in the car were still following you.

" hop in, we'll take you to your university. " Ahri said.

You sighed as you just went with it. You went inside the car. You were sitting beside Evelyn and the others were at the other seat. Some of them take a glance at you as you take notice. You just didn't mind as you minded your own business, staring at the window stall thinking who were your parents. You still couldn't believe why would they left you. While this was on your mind you felt a light tap on your back. You looked to see Evelyn making eye contact with you as you mostly didn't felt alright with this. She asked you if you're alright. You nodded as you said yes. The car was quiet in the meantime. Most of them were on their phones. You took notice they were wearing civilian clothes with mostly wearing hats. Mostly it's because they were hiding their identity since there celebrities. You noticed this one girl staring at you. She had nice clothes with a cap that says K/DA. She took notice as she went back using her phone. It took an hour to get you to your university since it was traffic. You get a glance at your university as you ready your stuff. The car stopped as you wave goodbye and said thanks for the ride. As you were about to go outside you forgot your art as you went back to check where it was. It was beside Evelyn as you take it.

They all noticed your work and gotta say they had that look of a critic that says it looks good. You went outside with your work as you close the door and went inside the University.

As the car drove one of the girls mentioned y/n's work.

Kai'sa: " you guys saw y/n's work right?"

Ahri: " yeah its kinda unique, to be honest."

While the others were talking about y/n's nice work Evelyn took noticed to Akali as if she wasn't this quiet before. She only goes quiet when she is frustrated.

Evelyn: " what's the matter darling? Are you having to like y/n?" She asked her with a devilish smile. As if Akali would answer that question. Akali was mid to blush but was red when she mentioned y/n.

Akali: " N-no... I-i don't like him." She said with nervous in her voice.

Evelyn just smiled as she went to sit with Akali. She said to Akali that she was just messing with her.

( Time skip )

I went home after school. I'm still curious how many stories did Seb told the 4 idols. Seb was a good friend and a keeper. But whenever he has friends like them he mostly shares stories. Well for me I was ok with it.

You were lying down the couch as you were blanking your mind due to the homeworks you did last night. Then something came up to your mind. What if there was a reason why the left me. Maybe because I was useless? You still couldn't think about it every time your mind mentions your parents. Who were they? Where were they? Why did they? Left me... Behind.
You heard your phone rang as you took it out your pocket, you get to see a random number. You didn't hesitate to answer as you put it on your left ear.

" Hello?"

There was no answer.

" Hello?"


" Whoever is this, just stop."
You drop the call as you just lay down the couch. You heard another call. You just had enough with people trying to prank you ask you grabbed the phone and answered.

" whoever you ar-."
You were cut off. There was a voice, you couldn't hear it, as it's like it's pranking with you. You were about to end the call until you hear a voice.

" Hello?"
A familiar voice. Something I've heard years ago.

" Hello? Who is this?" You tried to talk back but the call become quiet? You look to see the numbers code on your phone was changing as it was like haunting you. You didn't know what to do. You just ended the call. You had a weird feeling that someone was watching you. You closed your eyes as it was just a misunderstanding situation until a shadow grabbed you by the neck and pulled you through the couch you were sent down from what it looks like the underworld. You see a lot of people we're suffering as you were being pulled down by many shadow hands. You fell down as you were in pain. You crouch down to see the huge figure. I don't what was happening but is this a dream or am I hallucinating? You felt your head was like having nausea as you fell down your knees.

"you're the reason that we died!"
I heard a voice it was a guy probably since it resembles a warrior type of voice.

As I look up while I was still having nausea the black figure looks at me with a sword holding in his left hand.

" I'm sorry. "
The black figure then slowly uppers his both arm with the sword as he was about to swing.

" wait! Pls, don-"
You said but you were too late as your dream breaks you into a nightmare type.

You woke up with a nervous face. You were sweating as if it was real. You look down to see your phone was ringing. You took it and saw the caller was Seb. You answered as you were still nervous and panting. Seb was trying to talk to you but not a single word came out your mouth.
You just ended the call and with both of your hands covering your face. You get a notification that was from Seb.

( Hey man if you don't wanna talk. It's fine just wanna tell you if you're interested in a job offer. )

" A job? "
You said to your self as you took the phone.

To be Continued.

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