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1 month later after Andy left.

I wake up to see Luke smiling at me. "Hey Luke, what's wrong?" He shakes his head. "ITS EASTER DADDY!" I laughed. "Okay, let me get up and then we can do whatever you want." He nods before running into his room to get dressed. I guess he already found what the easter bunny gave him.

I take a picture once I get dressed before leaving to go downstairs.

I take a picture once I get dressed before leaving to go downstairs

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I see Emerson watching a movie with Luke and smile. "Hey." They see me. "The baby is making daddys tummy get big." I laughed at Luke's random comment. I feel my phone vibrate and I look at it. It was Andy.

"Hey baby!" I smile "Hey Andy. Happy Easter." He smiled. "I saw the picture. Happy Easter. Your stomach is getting bigger. I want to be there. I'm sorry I had to go on tour." I shake my head. "Its fin-" "DAD!" Luke comes running over to me with the phone. I giggle and give the phone to Luke. "Hey buddy. You taking care of Daddy for me?" Luke walks off with my phone.

"Your lucky, you know people don't last this long." I look at Emerson as he walks over to me. "You and Shy have been together since you guys were Teenagers. Shut up." He laughed. "True." I sigh. "I miss him a lot." He nods. "I bet you do." He nods. "Go look in the drawer of the bedside table on Andy's side. He said to tell you to look there on Easter." I nod and run upstairs.

I open the drawer that Andy would keep all the condoms and lube bottles. I see a small box and take it out. I close the drawer and sit on the bed. I open the box and see a picture of Luke, him and I but when Luke was a baby. I look in the box to see other stuff. Some of the stuff was papers and pictures but one thing stuck out to me.

It was a CD? I pick it up and talk over to the CD player and put it in. It starts to play on the TV. It was a video of pictures of me that he took and then a video clip of me holding Luke as a baby. The first time I help him. I cried. God I love him so much.

 God I love him so much

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