9. A Preview

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1 day left.

I haven't been out of this caravan for almost a week, the closest I got was watching Arduino left on the side of the road from the trailer door. Ringmaster is the only person I see, and it's got to the point that I dread mealtimes despite the better food.

The trailer is dark, the only light is slashes falling on the floor through small windows half shuttered high up the walls. I can't see anything but the sky out of them and climbing up is impossible with my hands locked behind me. My usual pastime of listening to the mages and creatures around me is impossible in this space, in this form. The isolation and my human ears mean I am startled as Ringmaster opens the door.

"Hey, beautiful. Sit pretty for me"

As per usual I eye the door behind him, wondering if I could get past him and run. As per usual I know my bindings and his magic would stop me getting far.

As per usual I kneel in front of him. It's not particularly elegant with my hand tied behind me. And it bruises my knees and ankles. But apparently this position shows the most respect, as if my respect is ever something I'm going to give him. Though I guess he is starting to take any self respect I had left away. Bastard.

"Knees spread a bit more, Bagheera" he murmurs, encouraging the offending limbs with his polished black boots.

I comply, hating the minuscule trembling that happens when he nears. Not to mention how vulnerable I feel with his boot near my dick. He nudges it gently. I'm relieved when he steps away.

"Good boy, Bagheera. Now look at me"

I hate the euphoria that rushes through me with his praise. Damn his talent, he's not even trying to be subtle anymore, but it's still addictive. I can't help but love it, and yet I hate my reaction. My breath sighs out and I relax, my head uplifting to view him. For a moment I'm happy. Then the emotion stops and my muscles return to their tension. I hate that he can basically shock me with happiness, that I react to it like a damn pet pussycat, almost purring for approval.

"Hello pretty boy..." his voice trails off pointedly. We've done this routine enough over the last few days that I know what he wants to hear.

"Good afternoon, Master"
Looking up at him, I content myself with fantasies of punching his smug face.

He throws me a treat which I snap out of the air with little effort. We're both well practiced at circus tricks, even though the shift to human has made me a little less coordinated.

"Good job pretty boy. Now we're scheduled to arrive at the campsite mid morning tomorrow, where we can finally get you cleaned up and used to your new position. Before your big day though, I thought you might want to have a preview, maybe a rehearsal as well if you want to be better prepared."

Another surge of rapture passes through me. My chest rumbles gently before I even realise. I purred for the person who chained and tortured me. No wonder Taka broke so fast... no wonder I'm breaking so fast...

"Purring already beautiful, I know that will make my men happy when you suck them off. You're looks and that purr are going to be very popular! Now follow me Bagheera."

Time passes oddly, both fast and slow. I'm chained kneeling to the wall in another wagon. I'm in the furthest corner but the mages still complain about the stink. The air freshener they spray stings my eyes. Tears pool at the corners but I refuse to let them fall. There's four mages in the back with me, another driving upfront. Then there's the attendants; one's Oreo and another I've forgotten the name of. Oreo's still trembling, but I can see that the life in his eyes is starting to fade; he's losing hope. Most do, they retreat deep inside themselves leaving their bodies as living dolls for the mages to command and to fuck.

Ringmaster has left, and whilst the mages make crude comments I can cope. That is normal. Oreo and his companion are passed around like party favours, toyed with and giving out blowjobs. I keep my eyes open but unfocused, preferring not to take in the details. I've seen enough horrors to last me a lifetime. I can't stop the sounds though, and the thwack of one of the mage's hands into Oreo's face cuts through the background noise like a knife. My growl falls into the silence that follows, even as I watch his head catch on the end of the metal table. I don't know what perceived wrong he did. It doesn't matter. He never deserved this.

His blood pools across the linoleum floor.

The mages are drunk. One kicks his side, urging him to get up. His body shifts a little across the floor, his hair smearing the blood.

His body twitches with the movement. Unfocused eyes seem to stare directly into my soul. A last cry for help, for hope?

His eyes have no life in them now.

I remember little of what came next... I frenzied. Growling and screaming at the mages that they've killed him. Pulling at my chains, my blood trickling down my skin to join his on the floor. I've never seen anyone die, not in person. The strong drinks have made them belligerent, but adrenaline allows me to shrug off the pain of their magic and their punches. Human teeth are too blunt to wound easily but I try. The chains limit my reach, and I ignore the way they press against the bruises on my neck and wrists. Pain means I'm alive. My teeth sink into the meat of someone's arm. He punches my face. Once. Twice. The third time tears me free from his arm. Blood streaks down my face and smudges on my chin. Mine, his... it's all the same in the end.

I distinctly remember the driver catching my eyes in the mirror as he uttered "Oh Shit!" I remember the panic, and the harsh words spoken over the intercom. Pulling over on the side of the road. I remember the silence when Ringmaster entered.

That was then they noticed Oreo was not moving. That was when they noticed he was dead.

"Dead. When you are lent my property I expect it to be returned intact. The cost will be deducted from your wages, and you are not to be lent another until it is paid off. You are in charge of clean-up. Make it unidentifiable. Do not disappoint me again. Report to me for the next week, I believe a reminder of consequences is necessary."

It was Ringmasters words and the bland way he delivered them that made me decide any other option was better than this. Here, my life was worth nothing to him. With the little witch, at least it sounded like she cared if I lived! She would talk to me soon, as she did every day. This time I would accept her offer; magical slavery for a year, then my freedom! I hope I won't regret my choice. But this was likely my only chance. The circus was a place of depravity and death... and it was breaking me.

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