Things about the characters i guess?

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Wow wow welcome to the rewrite!!\(^o^)/
These are just a few ((new and/or added)) things about the characters, so like info on them! And some are headcanons i guess hahsahhdka,,
**Not all the characters mentioned here will appear, just saying! If they do, itll only be for a bit**(did that make sense?)
Um TW for mentions of bad home life uh :(( sorry-

Kokichi[17 y/o]:
•Hes trans(ftm), doesnt mind wearing feminine clothing though!
•He apologizes a loT

•He has freckles but theyre faint so not many people see/notice them
•Hes best friends with Tsumugi, Miu, and Gonta. He also hangs out with Rantaro, Keebo, and Maki, but not as much

He do be shy doe. But once you get to know him hes not as shy and more like,, energetic and teasss you and stuff ykyk
•If he ever shows up with his hair in smal pigtails, all yiu have to know is ✨Tsumugi✨
•He and Maki are siblings, but not biologically, Maki was adopted into the family.
•His parents arent exactly nice, they yell at him and Maki a lot, but mostly him. They dont really care about them either and sometimes hurt them if they get angry enough :( their parents dont really care what he does, as long as it isnt skipping classes or anything like that. But they dont exactly support him.
•Hem has heterochromia but sure as hell aint a hetero. He said fuck covering it im special😼😼

•Kokichi bites his nails when hes nervous or afraid, so if you see that happening, thats why.
•He likes putting pins/clips in his hair because 1) he do be lookin cute doe and 2) his hair gets in his face a lot HSHSK
•He has to wear glasses but since hes insecure about them he doesnt put them on and fucking runs into a wall so he has Mugi guide him in the halls and stuff because he refuses to get contacts
•His nose is constantly pink dont ask questions

Shuichi[16 y/o]:
•He is also ftm! He doesnt mind wearing feminine clothing though because clothes doesnt have gender and he admits he do be lookin cute in skirts doe
•Hes such a s i m p
•He sometimes makes dirty jokes lol
•he has a bIG ASS bear plush that he cuddles with when hes asleep or just in bed because he gets very clingy sometimes
•Hes femboy because screw you. He likes wearing skirts and stuff when hes alone or with 'Mugi
•Shuichi likes to put little clips and bows in his hair so !! Yeah
•He and Tsumugi are siblings, but they go to different schools and live separately because their parents divorced((he lives with their mom)). They do visit/contact each other though!
•He is NOT a "hot yandere detective" or "creepy stalker" or whatever, those are rumors, and since not many people talk to him or know him personally, they thought it was true and avoid him as much as possible. Hes actually very nice and a dork😌he also gets a bit shy around new people and yeah but hes like super energetic hahsz
•He also gets really excited around people hes close to, like 'Mugi and uh soon to be Kokichi aha👁👁
•Shuichis only friend is Kaede, they arent very close though, and sadly, not many people like him due to the rumors so he gets lonely, but he has Mugi bc we stan close siblings (hahacantrelate)
•Shuichi likes to go to the book store near Mugis school, so they meet up there whenever they hang out!((also the corner store nearby!))
•He wears contacts but he does have glasses, he only uses the glasses when at home or at 'Mugis. He uses the contacts when he goes out or at school

Tsumugi[16 y/o]:
•Shes Shuichis sister! Like i said, their parents divorced, and she lives with their dad
•Best friends with Miu, Angie, and Kokichi! She usually hangs out with Kokichi though
•Kokichi often goes over to her house, almost everyday, so she has the guest room closet filled with some of his clothes.
•Shes still a weeb here, she has a bunch of posters and figures and cosplays, etc. Obviously, she also likes Danganronpa
•Tsumugi is usually home alone because her dad is always at work.
•Tsumugis knows about Kokichi being ftm, so she always tried helping him if hes ever in pain or something like that. Same with Shuichi!
•Her nose is aLso constantly pink💖

Miu[17 y/o]:
•She transferred from the school Shuichi goes to, but never talked to him. She used to talk to Kaede but they kinda drifted apart, but Mius crush on her still lingers a-woah
•Best friends with Tsumugi, Kokichi, and Keebo. Especially close to Keebo because they have a lot of the same interests and yeah
•She also knows about Kokichi being ftm and also does her best to make sure he doesnt have his binder on for to long and stuff
•She doesnt really talk much, and she isnt as horny as she is ingame
•She likes to make fun of Kokichi for being short by grabbing his stuff and holding it in the air. Kokichi isnt really bothered by it though
•She- she wears platform boots because shes a queen

Keebo[16 y/o]:
•Hes a human because i said so
•Keebo is gender fluid!((they/them and he/him))
•He do be besties with Miu doe
•Hes kinda shy when meeting new people so ahfjsndk
•Hes vv smart!! Hes one of the best students in his class lol um obviously🙄🙄bHadma
•Um totally not dating Rantaro wdym🙄
•Babey has a pink nose shush
•He do be tsundere doe

Rantaro[16 y/o]:
•He do be besties with Tenko((diff school but they meet up and stuff))and Angie doe
•Definitely not dating Keebo😳
•He skips classes a lot AHA💔
•Hes hot so girls confess to him a lot, especially on Valentines Day whoops
•He wears light brown eye shadow no one can say he doesnt
•Hes rlly good at styling hair bc uh😳sisters
•He makes friendship bracelets thats it thats the post

Maki[16 y/o]:
•Her and Kokichi are siblings, but not biologically
•As i said before, their home life isnt that nice. They get hit when their parents are angry enough and they get yelled at a lot.
•Best freNs with Angie, Himiko, and Kiyo
•Shes gets startled(?)easily and shes kinda shy
•Um😡no bulli shes nice
•She braid her hair when shes in class because boredom.
•She plays with her hair a lot and sometimes it gets all tangled, and Kokichi helps brush her hair
•She knows about Kokichi being ftm and is supportive woh!!

Kaito[17 y/o]
•Sorry hes gonna b a bulli whoops
•His stinky facial hair went poof
•I dont really like him so :( this is all its gonna have💔

Kaede[16 y/o]
•Shes friends with Shuichi but she doesnt really hang out with him much.
•Shes not as passionate in piano as she is ingame, but she occasionally plays it
•Shes not really nice to people, but it depends on the person
•She uses her phone in class smh Kayayday
•She wears a lot of pastel colors

Gonta[16 y/o]
•Best frens with Miu, Kokichi, and Mugi >:)
•Also knows about Kokichi being ftm :) but since they dont know how to help, they makes sure to ask if the binder is ever hurting him, and always has one of Kokichis hoodies with them just in case its needed
•Theyre basically the same as he is ingame except they dont really study bugs or anything. But they does think theyre nice :)
•They still talks the same as ingame, but not in third person.
•They is nonbinary you cant tell me otherwise😡
•During lunch or before classes start, Mugi, Miu, and Kokichi out butterfly clips in theyre hair because they do be babey doe
•Um i dont have much for them sorry :')

U um !! Thats all hadhaj,,, if i add any characters, i might add some info on them here. But some of the characters that have info on them will rarely show up if not at all. And thanks to my daddy for some of the info/hcs HSKABSK you know who you are
Anywhore ill be. Planning the chapters now um :') hope you enjoy uh woah
Sorry its gonna suck💔
N e way um!!!!! Bye💔💔see you first chapteR :')
Edit: bruh im so sorry i had to fix Gontas and put they/them instead of he/him pronouns because i dont have experience with writing nonbinary characters so i always forgot im sorry😔✌️

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