The Bite

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POV Scott

"Scott I'm heading out the hospital called and they need me to work a double. Theres left overs in the fridge and a 20 on the counter for take out. I won't be back until late goodnight honey I love you!" A woman called out.

"Ok ma I love you to." I yelled back then I heard the front door shut. I got off my bed and walked down stairs. When I got the kitchen I opened up the fridge only to find left over chicken. I looked over at the counter and saw the money mom left I picked it up.

Guess mom was in a rush cause this is only five not twenty. Oh well I'll just order with my own money. I reached over for the phone.


A noise startled me it came from the front outside. I carefully walk over to the door and grabbed the baseball bat. I swung the door open and raised the bat to swing and stepped out.

"RAHHH!" My best friend screamed hanging from my roof. Giving me a heart attack.

"Stiles what are you doing on my roof." I half yelled as he dropped down.

"I was going to knock on your window and really a baseball bat?" Stiles asked grinning.

"I didn't know who it was I was going to use it to hit the burglar. That may or may not have been trying to get in. I might just use it on you if you don't start talking." I said smiling when the grin fell off his face.

"Ok ok Harley chill my dad got a call theres a dead body in the woods." Stiles said looking excited.

"So what do they think it was murder?" I asked him curious now there hasn't been a murder in Beacon Hills in years.

"Probably because they only found one half of the body. The cops are looking for the other half. But we're going to find it first." Stiles said grabbing my shoulder with a pleasing look.

"No Stiles we have try outs tomorrow plus we can't get in trouble with your dad again." I said trying to get out of this.

"But dude it's the last night of summer let's make a memorable one. Come on dude think of something cooler than this to do tonight." He begged me.

"Sleep and making first string tomorrow." I told him.

"Tch something that could happen." He deadpanned me.

"Fine what half are we looking for?" I asked defeated and my pride wounded.

Line Break

We were stomping our way through the woods. Shining flashlights at our feet. I reached into my pocket and grabbed my inhaler. Then took it but left it in my hand walking is hard when your asthmatic. Especially in the woods with the unevenness of the ground.

"You still haven't told me which half we are looking for." I pointed out and turned to him but he was puzzled to. "You don't know which part we're looking for?" I accused.

"No I don't Scott I caught the tail end of my dads call. Dispatch said they are sending teams to look, for the other half of the body they found." He defended I just nodded and left it at that.

"AAWOOO!" Something in the distance made.

"Dude was that a wolf?" I asked Stiles.

"No it can't be wolves haven't been seen around here for like 60 something years. Most likely a dog or coyote." He assured me but sounded like to assure himself.

We got to a steep hill and we started up it. I made sure I had a good grip on my inhaler. Stiles was faster at getting up it while I trailed behind a bit then I tripped.

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