The First Bite

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POV Scott

I walked in and greated my boss and started to do my rounds. Feeding the baby animals then cleaning out the room they use. After that I help Dr. Deaton by taking care of the animals in immediate care. Helping him is great he takes his time and explains what he is doing. Working with him made me start to pursue becoming a veterinarian.

"Hey Scott I'm gonna leave for the night as the weather is getting bad. I need you to hold the fort tonight. Nobody should come in tonight but if they do and you can't handle it call me." Dr. Deaton told me as he got up and grabbed his keys.

"Alright sounds good to me drive safe." I said he left and I shortly heard his car start. My hair caught the bandage on my neck. Which I forgot was there reaching for it I felt it coming off. Taking it the rest of the way off I looked around for another one. Catching a look at myself in one of the mirrors I saw that there was no wound.

I shrugged it of and threw away the old bandages. A few minutes have passed and I was getting kinda bored. As all of the animals turned in for the night. I learned back in my chair and looked at the time. I still had forty minute before my shift ended. Hopefully the rain stops by then but for now I just listen to it. Soon the rain was all I could hear.

I love the sound of rain falling its calming. But the sound was interrupted but a loud sound. It made me jump once I gained some type of sense. I figured out it was a car and then the engine turned off. Something almost drowned out by the rain was a thumping sound. It was fast but I didn't know what it was. BANG BANG BANG for the second time in a minute I jumped.

"HELLO PLEASE I NEED HELP!" I heard someone shout getting up I walked to the front door. There was a girl there she was soaked from the rain. When she saw me she started to frantically wave at me. When I got to the door I saw that this girl was beautiful. She had black hair I could tell even if it was soaked. A few inches shorter than me. My age and her eyes were this honey brown.

"Hey hey it's ok calm down what happened?" I asked her as I opened the door.

"I-I was d-driving and this dog came out of n-no where a-and I tried to avoid it but I hit it. Then I got out and tried to help him but he tried to bite me. But I was able to get him in the back of my car can you help him?" She said fast and pulling me to the back of her car. She open the hatch and there was a dog in there. When he saw us he started to growl.

"Hey buddy it's ok you'll be fine." I told him but he just growled more.

"Why does he keep doing that I'm trying to help him?" She asked almost or completely crying. I couldn't tell because of the rain.

"Its because he is scared he needs to be sure we're not going to hurt him." I told her then I looked back at the dog. "Hey it's alright we can't help if you keep growling." I said to him he just growled more.

"Look him straight in the eyes and command him to calm down." A voice said like earlier like an instinct I didn't know why but I listened to it.

"Hey you need to stop so that we can help you get better." I commanded the dog this time it didn't growl. He just laid down and I went over to him and picked him up. "Come on let's get him inside." I told the girl she then reached up and shut the hatch. We ran back inside I took the dog to the back room and set him on the table.

"How did you get him to do that?" She asked.

"I'm just good with animals." I told her with smoothness that I never had. I inspected the dog and found that his leg was broken. I ran over to the cabinet and grabbed a splint. Moving back over to the dog I put it on him. He didn't resist he just let me do it after I was done. I picked him up and put him in an open enclosure. Well more open then the other ones.

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