Chapter 1

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Bang. Bang. Bang.


No answer.



Still no answer. You didn't care that an old lady walking behind you gave you a very dirty look before shuffling down the corridor to her own apartment. It was only the manners instilled by your parents that stopped you from shooting daggers right back at her.


"JEON JUNGKOOK! Open the fucking door right now or I -"

Your shouts as well as your fist froze in mid-air when the door whipped open to reveal the man whose name you'd been yelling at the top of your lungs.

"Why the hell are you banging my door down?" Jungkook's frown and his tone told me that he was irritated, which fueled your anger even more. He had no right to be annoyed at you after the shit he had put you through today.

"Why weren't you at work?" You managed to lower your volume now that there wasn't a door separating the two of you, but you made sure that he knew how angry you were.

"I took a day off, but I'm sure you could have gotten that information from the HR."

His flippant answer didn't impress you one bit. "You know that isn't what I'm talking about."

"Then what are you talking about?" The question came out sounding incredulous, but you didn't miss the uncomfortable shuffling of the guilty man. He knew what you were talking about. Before you could point it out, however, a high-pitched woman's voice called from inside his apartment.

"Who's at the door, babe? Come back to bed, I can't wait anymore!"

Jungkook jerked the door towards the frame to a minimal crack, as if it could make you unhear the mysterious female. On the other hand, you didn't acknowledge his gesture. Your brain was too busy trying to school your features into a furious scowl while your heart dropped to your feet. Does Jungkook have a girlfriend?

It took a few seconds to bring yourself back to the matter at hand and steer away from your crush. Reminding yourself of the disastrous day at work, you managed to ground out, "You took a day off work to have a play date with your girlfriend?!"

"She's not my girlfriend," he said in hushed tones in direct contrast to your angry volume. "She's just... someone a friend introduced me to."

Your heart started beating hopefully again at the explanation. Not that him having a girl over was something you were happy about, but you were so into him that you'd take it over him being in a relationship. You'd never tell him that though. Not in a million years. "Great, so you abandoned me at work so you could fuck this girl your friend threw your way?" The thought of you being judgmental and unfair to this unknown girl crossed your mind but you quickly pushed it aside. Jungkook didn't seem to mind your choice words about her. The first part of your sentence seemed to interest him more.

"Abandoned you? What are you talking a - oh." The opening of the door widened as he smacked his palm to his forehead. "I was so preoccupied that I forgot. The presentation was today, wasn't it?"

Satisfied that you had gotten through to him, you braced your legs apart, crossed your arms under your chest and nodded. A small crinkle formed between his brows as the stance made your chest more prominent but it escaped your notice.

Scant moments passed while Jungkook chewed on the inside of his lower lip, gazing at you intensely, then he sighed. "I'm sorry. I should explain. No sense going through with this now that you're in front of me."

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