Chapter 5

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"I will tell her, just not now." You could hear Jungkook's weary voice drifting from the living room through the barely opened door of his bedroom you were in.

Tell me what? Even as the question manifested in your head, you could hear the unknown male saying your name before asking Jungkook another one outside, "Don't you think it's unfair of you to keep it from her?"

You knew Jungkook was keeping something from you, but it was now clear that this person knew it as well. More importantly, he knew exactly what Jungkook was keeping from you. Anger at being the subject of discussion when you had no idea what was going on yourself overcame you, prompting you to throw the door open and burst out through your sore throat, "Keep what from me?"

It was a testament to the depth of their conversation that given Jungkook's keen sense of hearing, he still didn't notice your approach until you spoke. The shock was the same, or even more pronounced in his companion's reaction; he jumped in his seat and bumped one of his long legs against the coffee table, upsetting his cup. Curses filled the room but his actions was as quick as his words, even as he was burning your ears with the colourful words that he was using, he had already gotten up to get a towel from the kitchen to wipe the spill. A part of you felt bad about the accident you'd caused, but Jungkook shot a warning look at the man, not you, and the recipient of the look immediately stopped swearing and adopted an apologetic expression.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to curse at you — no, sorry, I wasn't cursing at you, I mean in front of you — the first time we meet," the man tried to explain. He stepped forward to extend his hand towards you. "I'm Namjoon, by the way."

The name was familiar, and you remembered it almost at once. Jungkook had told you that Namjoon was the leader of the small pack of werewolves living in your town. With that information in mind, you assessed Namjoon with a keener eye. Despite the show of clumsiness just now, he had an authoritative aura that commanded respect, and you couldn't help but react to it accordingly. Smiling and shaking your head, you took his hand in yours. "There's nothing to be sorry for, Namjoon." Just like Jungkook, Namjoon's hand was warmer than the average human, but you didn't comment on it.

At your reassurance, Namjoon sighed. "I expect to be sorry for a lot of things before I leave this place," he said furtively, shooting a look at Jungkook. You followed the leader's gaze, but Jungkook refused to meet your eyes, preferring to frown at his own empty coffee cup.

There was something afoot, that was for sure. You could feel your body tightening with anticipation as you followed Namjoon's gesture to sit on the other end of the couch Jungkook was sitting on, while he took the seat opposite you. The tension mounting within Jungkook was so palpable that you could feel it emanating from within him even though there was quite a distance between you on the sofa. It made you nervous, but Namjoon's presence calmed you down somewhat, although all he was doing was cleaning the mess he'd made on the table with a kitchen towel. Still, it wasn't enough to close the lid on your interest, and eventually the curiosity simmering within you boiled over. "Can someone please tell me what's going on? Jungkook?"

You turned to him, your tone pleading, but it only served to make him even more fidgety than before. "Well, as you already know, this is Namjoon," he said instead of answering your question.

"Yes, the leader of your pack. I remember," you cut him off before he could go on about Namjoon. You already knew who he was, and most importantly, he was not the matter at hand at the moment. Jungkook had kept the truth from you long enough. There was always your suspicion, but now there was no denying it. And you wanted to know what secret he'd been so reluctant to tell you.

Shifting your attention had clearly been his plan, but now that you'd nipped it at the bud, he was momentarily stumped. Instead of actually telling you and getting it over with, he eyed Namjoon grumpily. "I thought I asked you to bring her along."

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