chapter twenty-eight

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        FRIDAY, THE DAY OF THE full moon and the start of Spring break was already there

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FRIDAY, THE DAY OF THE full moon and the start of Spring break was already there. Georgia woke up to the sound of Nate moving around out in the kitchen. That was one part of being a werewolf that seriously sucked. Georgia was already a light sleeper and now she could hear everything.

Georgia stretched as she stood up, going to get ready for the day. She was gonna spend it with Derek and his pack. It was also Lydia's birthday, meaning everyone else would be attending her party.

Georgia got dressed in a plain black long sleeve shirt with a pair of jeans, looping a belt around her waist. She also gathered all her hair up, putting it in a pony tail. Grabbing her bag, Georgia exited the room. She saw a text message from Stiles waiting for her.

from stiles:
morning :) good luck
with the full moon and
everything, i'll talk to
you later tonight

Georgia smiled at it, typing back a reply before pocketing the device. She paused her footsteps when she saw Nate staring at her.

"Hey," he greeted quietly, swirling his bowl of cereal around in his bowl, "Where're you going? Out with Stiles?"

"No," Georgia countered, awkwardly shuffling in her spot, "I'm meeting up with some other friends, they need help studying."

Nate nodded, believing the lie, "Well, I'm working tonight, so don't wait up for me."

Georgia pursed her lips, nodding back. They stayed like that for a few seconds before Nate sighed.

"Listen, I'm really sorry about last night. I had no right yelling at you like that," Nate apologized again.

Georgia waved a hand dismissively, "No biggie. Consider it forgotten like the city of Nineveh."

Nate couldn't help but chuckle, having no idea what that meant, "Right. Well, have a good day. I love you."

Georgia smiled briefly before walking out of the trailer, getting on her bike. It took her a while to get all the way to the train station, but she made it. Once there she tossed her bike and walked in.

"I've arrived, peasants," she called out as she neared them. Derek was crouched down in front of a trunk and his betas were all standing around. Georgia went to stand between Boyd and Erica, her favorites.

Derek popped open his weird casing, revealing various chains inside.

"What is that?" Isaac ran his hands over the symbol on the inside of the lid. It was three different spirals in a circle. Georgia knew Derek had the same thing tattooed between his shoulder blades.

"It's a triskele," Boyd said smartly. Erica sent him an impressed glance, "Spirals mean different things: past, present, future. Mother, father, child."

"You know what it means to me?" Derek prompted.

"Alpha, beta, omega?" Boyd guessed, raising one brow.

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