chapter twenty-nine

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        GEORGIA RAY WAS SUFFOCATING on grief. She was curled up in a ball on Stiles' bed, his warm cover secured tightly around her. She was alone in his room while the Sheriff was downstairs. He was really the Sheriff again, seeing as they returned his badge.

Stiles was away at Georgia's trailer, grabbing some different things for her. It was decided that she'd stay with the Stillinski's for the time being. Until they figured the next step out.

Georgia's mind was racing. She was going over a dozen different memories revolving around Nathaniel, her dearest brother. So many regrets. Georgia couldn't believe that she didn't try harder to be a good sister.

In fact, Georgia was beating herself up pretty badly.

There was nothing she could do now but overthink everything. And, unsurprisingly, she was sure as hell good at it. Nate was the last shred of what she saw as family left. Now, he had been ripped away from her too.

Back before her mother died, Lillian told Georgia she loved her. Georgia hadn't said it back. That was why she never told anyone else she loved them, too. If her own mother didn't receive those three words, why should anyone else?

Now, Nate was also murdered by someone supernatural. The last thing he ever said to Georgia was that he loved her. Georgia didn't respond when she left.

The thought of disappointing her brother and refusing to tell him she loved him even right before he died would always haunt her.


Stiles returned, two duffel bags in hand. He grabbed a bunch of random clothes along with some other things. A random notebook, the stuffed teddy bear he gave her, a photo album, and the laptop he didn't know wasn't Georgia's.

Georgia didn't say anything, only proceeding to stare blankly ahead. Stiles set aside her bags, going to join her in bed. Once he kicked off his shoes he sat down right beside her. Georgia shifted so that she was laying across his lap.

"It's not gonna be this bad forever, Georgia," Stiles tried to comfort her, brushing his lanky hand through her hair.

Georgia let out a sigh through her nose, "They're gonna send me away."

Stiles frowned at her words. It was the first thing she said since the previous night.

"No they won't," Stiles denied gently, "Someone in Beacon Hills will take you in. My dad, Scott's mom—hell, even Derek could."

"I don't mean adoption," Georgia said blandly, anger bubbling deep in her gut, "I'll just get shuffled off to my next of kin."

Stiles furrowed his brows in confusion, "I thought you didn't have any other family?"

"I have a sister," Georgia revealed, her hands balling up into fists around Stiles' shirt.

"Oh," Stiles blurted, a million questions now shooting through his head. He didn't even know where to begin. Stiles had never heard of any other siblings aside from Nate. In fact, that was the only person he thought Georgia had left.

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