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a/n: okay so before u start reading this chapter i have something important to say. so in the first few chapters i said that shawn and ellie started dating on april 2019. but like everything is so confusing now when it comes to the dates. i don't really care about the dates anymore. and i really wanna write about things that happened in the past more just like this chapter. if you guys have questions just leave them in the comments. hope u guys understand. :) but don't worry bc i'll put if it was in the past or in the future already!

past, somewhere during 2018


i got a text from shawn to come over at his house. he said he wanted to let me listen to his new album. i was really excited to hear it although, i knew that it was going to be amazing because he was a really good songwriter.

i knocked on the door and almost immediately shawn opened the door. "hey!" before he pulls me in a bear hug. "hey you!" after our hug we went inside his house.

"you can sit anywhere you want." shawn says nervously. i wanna know why he was acting like that.

"i got your favorite! animal style fries!" shawn says.

"oh my god you're an angel." and immediately ate some. i moaned at the taste "ugh it's soo good!" i say excitedly. and shawn let's out a laugh. (a cute one may i add) after a few minutes i finish my fries and turned to face shawn.

"okay let me hear you're masterpiece of an album. i'm ready!" i say. "sure!" he answers before getting his earphones and then handing it to me.

"here's the first song it's called 'in my blood' this ones extra special to me."

"help me it's the walls are caving in sometimes i feel like giving up but i just can't it isn't in my blood."

the song goes on for a few more minutes and by the end of it i was left stunned.

"so um w-what did you think?" shawn asked stuttering. "ITS AMAZING OH MY GOD" i say standing up from my seat. "you like it?" he asked nervously. "like it? i love it!"

he plays me couple more songs and we're down to one last song. "el please don't say anything before the song ends." i nod confused but agree to do so nonetheless.

"this is called why."

"i know a girl she's like a curse. we want each other no will break first. so many nights trying find someone knew they don't mean nothing compared to you."

throughout the whole song there was only one thought in my mind was it about me? at first i tried to deny it and say that it was probably for someone else but when it got to the part where he says "when i hear you sing it gets hard to breathe. can't help but think every songs about me"

that's when i started questioning things.

"you can talk now." he says when the song ends. i asked the only thing that was in my mind right now. "is it about me?"

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