Chapter 10

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Recap Nibba:

There was a knock at the principal's office

Nezu:" Come in!"

Izuku entered the room and took out his Nerf he magically had on him and shot Nezu at least five times

Nezu:" What did you come here for aside from shooting me with your Nerf?"

Izuku:" I know the one responsible for the break-in and I know their motives"

Back to the effin story:

Nezu looked at the boy with alarm, he knew his student was a bad boy but he didn't expect him to be dabbling within the underground world

Nezu:" Who?"

Izuku:" Shigaraki Tomura, his quirk is Decay... And he works for my dad, All For One"

Nezu fainted

In the entirety of his whole life, he fainted for his first but not last time

Nezu quickly woke up and held onto Izuku's collar

Nezu:" I must re-"

Izuku:" Don't even try, Nezu. I wasn't bluffing when I said I threw All Might out a hospital window, he too tried to apprehend me and failed."

Nezu sat back onto his chair and listened to Izuku

(Izuku explained about All For One being his dad, not mentioning that he might not be his biological father)

Izuku:" Shigaraki is actually Nana's Grandson, he was adopted by my father when he was younger. He does not actually know about me or my mom, he thinks he's All For One's one and only child..."

Nezu:" So what do you propose Izuku?"

Izuku:" I have a feeling on what he might have broke into for... Do we have any upcoming activities that include All Might?"

Nezu thought on it for a moment, he then got it

Nezu:" You have your USJ training tommorow!"


Nezu smacked the boy's head a few times

Nezu:" No you moron! The USJ stands for the Unseen Joint Simulation! Your class is supposed to go there with Aizawa, Thirteen and All Might to train for rescue missions!"

Izuku:" Oh... I like my version better. Well, I hope that nothing bad happens tommorow!"

Nezu:'This kid is super stupid...'

Timeskip to the next day...

Izuku was snoring in his sleeping bag, in his hero costume by Nezu's request, that was conveniently equipped with straps for someone to carry

Fortunately for Bakugo, Izuku was somehow extremely light. And when asked about the sleeping teen he was carrying, Bakugo told them...

Bakugo:" Sensei's orders"

Later, Aizawa finally mentioned the USJ

Aizawa:" Today, we are going to one of UA's off campus facilities for rescue training... You can choose to wear your costumes or your PE uniforms..."

Bakugo then gave Izuku to Aizawa to take him to the bus(Dadzawa!!!)

Most of 1-A were at the bus area when they heard a gruff voice

Aizawa:" Over here problem children..."

When they entered the bus, they were surprised at their president in the same sleeping bag they saw him in earlier but he was taped up at the ceiling with his drool slowly dripping on the floor of the bus

Sero:" Hehehe, Imma take a pic of this!"

Few pictures later...

Izuku woke up and fell straight through the bus floor and fell out of the bus making a huge Izuku shaped hole


The driver stopped the bus and Izuku reentered the bus, Aizawa told Sero to patch up the hole

Tsuyu:" Hello *Kero*, my name's Tsuyu and I like to speak my mind *Kero*. Why are you so strong Mi-"

Izuku cut her off with a ✋

Izuku:" I trained with my dad and Bakugo and trained my whole body for a whole year extremely. I went on a eat once a week diet, did one million pushups, squats per hour and ran around Mustafu for 10 rounds per day. My dad's a villain boss, call me Drop Dead and prepare to brawl with villains"

Everyone inside the bus except Aizawa, Bakugo, Izuku and the bus driver:" WHA??????"

//Yey! New chapter!!! Tommorow is brown out at my city so I'll do some stupid stuff, but don't worry! My advanced mental age will alert me... I hope so. Signing Off For Tonite, DLFireheart!//

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