Chapter 10 + 1=11

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Recap Nibba:

Izuku cut her off with a ✋

Izuku:" I trained with my dad and Bakugo and trained my whole body for a whole year extremely. I went on a eat once a week diet, did one million pushups, squats per hour and ran around Mustafu for 10 rounds per day. My dad's a villain boss, call me Drop Dead and prepare to brawl with villains"

Everyone inside the bus except Aizawa, Bakugo, Izuku and the bus driver:" WHA??????"

:yrots eht ot kcaB

It was chaos inside the bus

Tsuyu was holding Izuku still with her tongue while Sero and Mineta were sticking him to the front of the bus

Todoroki, Iida, Denki, Kirishima, Bakugo and Aizawa was being held off by Momo, Tokoyami, Shoji, Ojiro, Hagakure, Sato, Koda, Aoyama, Jiro and Mina

Uraraka was busy with distracting Izuku

Uraraka:' What a stupid hot han- no! I'm supposed to just distract him! Not him distract me!'


And in one swift move Izuku was taken out of his trance and restored order to his class, by tying them all up and throwing them inside the USJ

Izuku:" I am so sorry!!! I will try to control my classmates and Teacher next time!!!"

The bus driver grunted and drove away

Izuku sighed, he knew he should have saved that when it was important or relevant...

Izuku walked into the USJ to see...

Kurogiri facing Thirteen, some students and his waifu

Izuku:" Hey Giri!"

Kurogiri turned around to see his little master

Kurogiri:" Oh, Hello Izuku! Your dad says hi!"

Izuku looked at the herd of students, some of them were missing

Izuku:" Giri, where's Kacchan?"

Kurogiri was silent, he turned back to Thirteen

Izuku:" I asked you a question, Giri. Where is my stupid Kacchan?"

Kurogiri stayed silent and tried to warp the girl who was protecting Thirteen, he didn't realize who he was targeting until he felt a chest pain

Kurogiri then saw Izuku inside his physical body, Kurogiri looked at the target and realized that this was one of the other, "No Touchy", targets

Kurogiri:" Oh for the love of- GAAAAH!!!"

Shigaraki:" Kurogiri! Nomu, kill that kid!"

Izuku walked up to the bird creature and spat at the ground, then giving the Nomu a huge hole in it's chest

Izuku then approached a fuming Shigaraki when he got out his Nerf, he kept shooting it at Shigaraki

Suddenly, Shigaraki jumped at Izuku and laid his whole hand on the Nerf. The softgun slowly disintegrated with Izuku standing frozen

Shigaraki was laughing mad... Until a sudden chill ran down his crusty spine, not only he could feel it though

All of the villains, heroes and future heroes were frozen in place

Only one person was moving, but he was emanating with a red bloodlust filled aura, his eyes crimson and his soul corrupted

The USJ's dome suddenly exploded and the aura went out into the city of Mustafu

All Might then sensed something wrong, along with everyone else at UA

All Might cut his chat short and flew to the USJ, calling the other pro heroes in the area there

Not even a mile away, All Might saw the red aura bursting through

He could also hear the pain of the students and the villains

All Might landed in the middle of it all only to be thrown into a crusty villain by a dark force's hand

All Might looked at who pushed him but then suddenly turns back, afraid of what he saw

// I just needed to post the chapter for tommorow Tonite so I would have no probs tmrw, I have a new looker! His name is ArceusDammit and he has a good nick to his name! I am making a mini book for my series! I will post it when I get to 1k votes on any book! It's name will be Multiverse Shenanigans!!! Signing Off For Tonite, DLFireheart!//

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