I've been thinking about a lot of different things...
And most i wont discuss here.
Because im too lazy to type it xP
But i what i wanted to discuss today...
Is why we're here.
You know?
Why do we live?
Some say to be happy, others to worship a higher being, others still that we have no meaning, and a few dorks will answer "42" lol
But none of these seemed like the right answer to me :/
From what i can see, the purpose of living, is to die.
Now don't get all, oh my god he's being depressing again lol
I mean that in no ill light.
Dying is good, if any story involving immortal creatures has taught us lol
We live and then we die. All of us, no exceptions. And that's the purpose of our existence.
Everything in this world is a cycle like that, created to be destroyed only to be made anew again.
Now I'm not saying we reincarnate, i mean maybe? Who knows. But what i mean is...
Bfor our cycle ends, we give a piece of ourselves, and begin a cycle for another.
Our purpose in life, is just that, to keep this cycle going, we live, we love, we die.
You know?
Every moment spent living is also spent dying.
That's what life means, to perpetuate itself.
It's like a wave, as a wave moves down towards the bank. It does its best to go on and on, forever. But is it really the same wave? In mere moments every drop of water in a wave, doesn't exist in that wave anymore, its replaced by different drops of water. Yet we all still refer to it as the same wave.
Life's the same.
We're merely drops of water in the wave of human life. We exist a mere moment, and then cease to exist in the same place as the rest of the humans.
We're nothing, and yet? The very thing holding it all together.
That's the meaning of life to me, just a drop of water in a wave, cascading towards it's eventual conclusion.
Some may see this and think it sad, or bitter. I see it as beautiful.
So many little seemingly meaningless dots, cumming together to form a picture. We're all just a dot, but together, we're beautiful.
We look back at the past, and see the pictures those bfor us made, this is humanity then, what will we make humanity now..?
That's the meaning of life.
We're all the paint that makes the beautiful tapestry of mankind.
How will you be remembered on it..?
OK, fine.
Non-Fictionsince i can't seem to decide on what to write about, I'll just make a book of my random thoughts as i get them, sound fair..?