Fun Facts which are not even Fun

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1. I originally didn't know how this story would go, I just thought that a girl would leave for an year and when she comes back, she'll find a changed best friend who wouldn't even talk to her.

2. This story was inspired by the song 'People You Know' by Selena Gomez and I was like, 'hey, why not write a story from a song?' Lmao

3. The actual plot of the story was going to be that Leah and Hailey's getting kidnapped by Joshua, but then I realized that it would be impossible for Amelia to find out who the kidnapper was.

4. This is related to the above point. After that, I thought that Joshua would throw a huge rock at them to make them unconscious and Amelia would've found those rocks and scanned the fingerprints with the help of her mom. But then I realized how hard it would've been to write that and how nonsense it would've been of Amelia finding 2 specific rocks out of thousands of them, so I dropped the idea.

5. Even I don't know why I made Joshua kill Leah's parents. I guess it was for plot convenience XD

6. When writing the story, I never thought that I'd make Amah canon, but here I am :p

7. Before writing the story, I never thought that I'd make the 'bullied girl' or Jennifer's father as the villain. I actually thought that I'd make Jennifer the villain, but fuck my brain.

8. I never thought that I'd make the principal, Mrs. Kylee adopt Leah lmao

9. This was supposed to be a funny book where a person gets annoyingly funny. Look where we are now

10. The OG name of this book was 'Friends' but that would sound too distant so I made it Best Friend

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