Chapter 1👑

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The rising sun cast a rosy hue across the morning sky, golden fingers of sunlight light up the scene,fluffy white clouds cover the Azure blue sky casting a golden ray on earth,the gentle breeze blowing was making the leaves rustle to the tunes of the wind, the dawn chorus of melodic birdsong drifted in.

A beautiful young lady of about 20 years was sleeping peacefully on her queen size bed looking radiant, her mouth was form into a pout & there was an ephemeral smile on her face,from the look of things she is having a sweet dream.
She saw her self in a room filled with her pictures,the floor was decorated with white & red roses,Japanese lantern lighting up the room,the pathway was decorated with scented candles and roses ad she walk closer, two figures were in the middle of the room their back turn to her, sensing her presence they both turn facing her & there stood her crushes Omar borkan Al Gala & Zayn Malik holding a rose,she let out a loud squeal while they gave her one of their charming smile,contemplating on which one to collect first, she decided to collect it from Omar Al Borkan bcos this is a rare opportunity she can meet zayn either on one of his concert,as she stretch her hand to collect the rose from Omar, she felt something tugging her leg not allowing her to move with all her will power she struggle to collect it,as she was about to hold it in her hand...........

A cold liquid found their way to her face, muttering a silent curse she jerk up promising herself to give the person a piece of her mind,cant a girl have a peaceful sleep, they will torment her in real world & also follow her to her dreamland.

   Yeah someone poured water on her

"Are you stupid"Nawar blurted out she thought its her younger sister bcos its her that usually pour water on her whenever she is Sleeping instead its her elder sister.

      She was scared but decide to have some courage.

"You're the stupidest,idiot,nuisance,
useless thing we have here" the other girl Nabeela bellow in her fake British accent.

"Oh, I forgot we are rearing nincompoop here" Nawar said rolling her eye, her mind  cautioning her not to start what she will regret later.

"Did you just call me a nincompoop,am I your mate,look at these small girl, I see you've grown wings,guys are now trailing you telling you you're beautiful"she said in disgust, people always say Nawar is more beautiful but always think they were bluffing, no one can be more beautiful than Nabeela but looking at Nawar now with puffy eye & bed hair she still look beautiful.

"I didnt call your name so am sorry if I hurt you" Nawar said in a Mocking tone

"You don't expect us to starve to death,its your turn to cook so get your useless body down or else" she said in a bossy tone

Nawar took her phone to check the time
"It'd just 6:20, you don't expect me to woke up now just bcos you want to eat"Nawar said  trying to cool her anger down what did they take her for why will she be the only one to be cooking, them they will dump it on the maid and will not prepare anything yet they usually force her.

"I don't have much to say,but if you know that you're your mothers daughter don't come down now, I forgot you don't even have a mother neither do you know her"Nabeela said with a wicked smirk

Nawar was getting teary but was holding the tears she couldn't let her see her weakness, this is the most sensitive part of her life how can Ya Nabeela toss it on her as if its a dice.

She groggily get down from the bed in her hello kitty pyjama,wore her flipflop & stand up,picking the hunger games novel she was reading yesterday before she slept off she place it in her book shelf that hold all her collections.
She started making her bed removing the quilt & bedspread, she got a new one from the closet.

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