Chapter 4 👑

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        Suffering is a gift ,in it is hidden mercy.

Nawar seems to woke up at the wrong side of the bed these morning, with a throbbing cramps & a skull cracking headache everything seems to be against her,Placing a pillow on the bed she lay on it as she held the heating pad on her stomach, she open her Mac book to facetime her best friend.

    "Bitch" her friends chirpy voice was heard as she pick the call,   Nawar gave her a sad smile .
     "Babe what happen why are you crying this early" Manal says looking at Nawar that is Writhing in pain.

     "Ya Allah Nawar you know,Allah does not burden a soul beyond it can bear,you must go through a peril of emptiness to be able to be filled with Allah's love , in good times & bad we have to remember him,trials are part & parcel of life,certainly Allah is the  subtle one,the all knowing,the all seeing,the all hearing & the nourisher of hearts, with every difficulty comes ease,just like after every dark night there is always a beautiful morning,its just a matter of time,be patient everything will soon manifest, I believe Allah has greater plans for you,just trust in him okay, I want you to be strong so wipe your tears" Manal said to her bestfriend who is already in tears.

  "Yes inshaallah everything will surely come to pass,all this is surely a trial, all my tawakul is in Allah & I believe he will make everything easy"she said wiping the cascading tears.
      "And its just some cramps,am perfectly okay"Nawar said giving her a smile.

  "Okay sorry, how are you feeling now"Manal ask with a worrisome look.

"Are you still coming" Manal ask
     "No I have to go to work"
"Okay bye,ciao ciao"Manual said as they ended the call.

    Nawar lie on the bed for sometime thanking Allah for giving her a good,kindhearted friends,she thank Allah for the people in her life who are always there for. After sometimes the pain suffice a little so she move to the bathroom & took a bath,when she was done, she move to her closet that's filled to the brim with designer clothes, time definitely heal everything she though to her self looking at her closet. She got dress in a black longsleeve gown & a crisp blazer then wrap a matching  haute Hijab around her head,she apply some of her mild exotic humrah & some oily based cool perfume, she applied kohl &  a nude Marc Jacobs lipstick,she loves makeup but not on herself,she prefer going the Natural way, putting all her necessities in her bag, she rushed downstairs & headed to the kitchen.
    "Good morning Nawar" Nafisa greeted
   "Morning"she reply taking an apple from the counter then saunter out of the house & enter her BMW then drove off.

      She drove into the staff parking lot of her workplace & quickly park her, she know she is late,its already 10:00am. She love her job & is dedicated towards it,one of the best thing that makes her happy, it frees her from mummy endless nagging.

   Coming out of the car, she trudge towards her office, as she wave at some of her colleagues,entering her office she was surprise when she found layla sitting on her sit doing some work on her laptop,there are some changes in the office.
"Hy" layla wave at her with a faux smile.
     "Hy"Nawar said giving her the same faux smile, the two never gets along & to make matter worst her strong perfume is disturbing Nawar.

     "Are you done with what you're doing,I want to make some changes to some files" Nawar ask politely
    Layla gave her a are you out of you out of your mind look then roll her eyes.
  The door creaked ajar & someone enter the room. "Good morning Nawar" Suhayla said taking her hand & drag her out of the Office.
      Nawar mentally thank suhayla if coming at the right time if not she will suffocate in that room.

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