Chapter 12

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              The dawn court was beautiful. I am offended though that we didn't walk through the front door, we were taken up from the side entrance. As we were walking Rhys filled me in on the High Lords. There was Helion the High lord of the day court who was able to break spells. Thesan the High lord of the dawn court, the male who owned this beautiful home. Kallias the High Lord of the winter court. Beron the grumpy High Lord of the autumn court who had little fire magic compared to me (totally not bragging). Tarquin the young High Lord of the summer court who controlled a hell of a lot more water then I could. And finally Tamlin, that piece of shit. Feyre told me about what he did and I was going to tear the High Lord of the spring court apart.


             We were on our way up the side stair entrance to Thesan's home.  I can't tell if everyone was taken up this way, or if it was supposed to be some kind of insult. Aelin didn't look nervous at all. I wonder if she'll kill Tamlin.

Aelin-(Before the meeting )

            "So who are you guys?" I asked. It was purple eyes who replied "I am Rhysand the High Lord of the night court," he pointed to the female with the blue-gray eyes, "and this is Feyre my mate and High Lady." Feyre then stepped up to say, "This," she gestured to the males with the stones and wings, "is Cassian and Azriel." The blond female perks up to say "Morrigan but you can call me Mor." The small female said "I'm Amren." She reminded me of Manon. "Ok so introductions are done, how about you tell me about this meeting." They proceeded to tell me about the High Lords and how their ties with them were. When they got to Tamlin they told me the whole story only because I promised to share my story. My anger kept building for Tamlin, I was going to burn him alive. When they asked for my story it all came out. My parents deaths, Arobynn, Sam, Endovier, my time as the kings champion, Maeve, Rowan, and how I was captured. When it was time to go lets just say we were all pissed at someone from each others lives.

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