Chapter 4 ~ Persistence

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The sight of the little lord's face when Sebastian ushers me into his office is beyond priceless!


"Cat got your tongue, kiddo?" I ask innocently, waggling my eyebrows slightly. Ciel flushes and a growl rumbles in the back of his throat. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Sebastian hide a smirk of his own.

"Shut up! What are you doing here?" The kids grumbles as I plop down in the chair opposite him.

"Came to apply for a position in your service," I reply with a nonchalant wave of my hand, gazing around the room curiously. There isn't much of note. A few expensive pieces of furniture, a couple of paintings. The books on the bookshelf catch my eye for a moment, but the interest soon dies when I realize they are books about laws and stuffy old politicians and historical figures and all that rot.

Blegh! Boring!

"Why in the world would I give you a job?!" Ciel snarls, slamming his little hands on the desk as he stands. I bite back a coo. " I don't even know your bloody name!"

"Ah... but that would be telling, now wouldn't it?" I cradle my elbow in one palm and use the fingertips of the other to tap my chin. "Besides, you owe me, Ciel Phantomhive. For the Jack the Ripper case, remember?" I lean forward slightly, allowing a tendril of my magic to nuzzle against the room's occupants. Both stiffen and I hum under my breath.

Ciel holds my gaze stubbornly, posture as rigid as a board.

Only the ticking of the ancient grandfather clock in the corner breaches the weighty silence. It is ok though. I can wait for however long it takes. Patience is almost second nature to me by now... lest it comes to treacle tarts. After several long moments go by the human lowers his gaze and slumps back into his chair. I can literally taste his frustration and curiosity.

"Why do you want to work for me? What can you do that I do not already have?" He queries, tone bored but I can see the spark of anticipation in his gaze at my answers.

My smile is razor-sharp as I reply. "I can act as a cook, stablemaster, tutor, spy, groundskeeper, healer, soldier, assassin, and bodyguard." I list off each position with a tick of my fingers while ignoring his first question. "Take your pick, little lord."

Ciel's steel-blue gaze is incredulous. Sebastian in the meantime is studying me inconspicuously from the corner of the room, or he would be if I were not attuned to what he truly is and what I am. "I don't just hire regular servants. If you can really do all you say you can then I'll expect you to do even more at an extraordinary level." the boy drawls almost smugly.

Ha! As if I'd balk at that tactic!

"Perfect. I can get bored if cooped up for too long."

The Earl scowls at my flippancy.

"Perhaps a demonstration would not be out of the question?" Sebastian suggests. I flash him a quick grin and watch a flicker of puzzlement mar his face before he schools it back into a pleasantly blank mask.

"Yes. A demonstration of your skills would be the best way to tell if you are a liar or merely a braggart." Ciel snarks as he rises from his seat and begins to start for the door.

I snort as I too rise. "Very well."

This'll be hilarious!

~*~ ~*~ ~*~

Several hours pass as I show off my various talents. During one of my tasks, the other Phantomhive servants popped up as spectators. They amuse me with how easily they seem to annoy Sebastian as he constantly has to stop them from accidentally interfering with my 'interview'.

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