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Niall murmured indescribable sounds as his face laid in the pillow. His head was aching and he felt that every move he would make; would result in him throwing up.

He moved his head a bit; so his nose would not be pressed in the rough pillowcase of the hotel; it was so rough and uncomfortable; if only he had more money; so he could have booked nicer hotel.

When his head was side ways he fell back asleep. His dreams were filled with handsome guys face; beautiful green eyes; brown curly hair; defined lips and the most beautiful laugh he has ever heard. His dream continued until he was rudely waken up.

"What the fuck?" Sudden voice next to Niall made him jump up and basically fall out of the bed; he landed on his side; before quickly getting up and noticing a stranger in his bed.

"Who. Who are you?" Niall asked the stranger in his bed; he seemed oddly familiar; very similar to the boy of his dreams; but in his dreams the boy was smiling and laughing; this boy was looking at Niall with disgust on his face.

"No. Who the fuck are you and what are you doing in my roo-" The curly haired boy looked around the room; cheap hotel room; dusty shelves and uncomfortable bed; this wasn't his number.

"I am in my number. Would you care to explain what are you doing in my bed?" Niall said nervously; as the said boy was scaring him; he just wanted to be eaten up by the ground; flattened by meteorite falling on him; anything, just to get away from the intense stare that the boy was giving him.

"I-I." The boy stuttered as he couldn't find an excuse for him being there; the only thing that came to his mind was very vile, but there couldn't be any other way. "You probably drugged me and took advantage of me!"

Niall's mouth fell open; he had never been accused of such thing. He felt his cheeks become red and his body to sweat.

"I would never. E-why would I do such a thing and stay in the same room with you? Even more; why would I take you to my room?" Niall started to pace around the room; desperately wanting to get his asthma inhaler; so he started to rummage through his suitcase.

"Are you looking for more drugs? Or a gun? I will fight you off this time?" Green eyes boy said as he got of the bed and stood in a karate like position. "I know karate!"

"I-I bet you do, big guy. But I am searching for my I-inhaler." Niall finally found it and inhaled it three times; before letting out some air. "Or are you afraid that I will help you breath better?"

"Hm." Green eyed stranger huffed at Niall and finally noticed that the young boy was indeed a young boy; and he was just in his boxers. "Oh my god."

"What now, princess? Am I going to hurt you by standing on the other side of the room?" Niall started to rub at his eyes; his hangover kicking in; making the room spin.

"Y-you are almost naked? Did you. Did you fuck me?" Curly haired man pulled at his hair. "I don't swing this way; this can't be happening."

"Don't worry, I am pretty sure that I didn't fuck you." Niall said while crossing his arms and watching the boy sigh in relief. "But you sure as hell did destroy my asshole."

Curly's face turned bright read as he combed through and pulled at his hair; he frantically looked around the room to find his clothes scattered all around the room. He quickly started to gather them and cover his body away from Niall.

"Hey, if my ass hurts. It means that you drugged me?" Niall chuckled while watching the older man stumble and fall over his feet while trying to get the fuck out of Niall's hotel room.

"Don't act all cocky. I don't know how, but this is your fault!" Green eyed man pointed his finger into Niall's face; smoke coming out of his ears.

"How is it my fault, big shot? I am the one with aching ass; and the one that is getting insults thrown in my face." Niall squinted his eyes as he moved closer to the mystery man.

"I never want to see your stupid face again!" Curly spat in Niall's face as he moved past him towards the door.

"Oh, don't worry, I am planing on forgetting that I ever even saw you." Niall said while sitting down on his unmade bed.

"Good." Curly haired man said while trying to open up the locked door.

"Good." Niall mimicked him.



"Go fuck yourself." Curly said while finally managing to open the door.

"Can't, you already did that for me." Niall screamed before his hotel rooms door was slammed shut.

Niall let his back hit the mattress as he rubbed at his face; he could feel the jolts of pain shooting through his back. He is surprised. That he can't remember anything from last night; because his ass feels like it was penetrated by titanic.


You might be asking:

•Don't you have other stories that need to be finished???
Yes, I do.
Will you finish them?
Yes, I will.
Couldn't you waited before posting a new story that will take ages to finish?
I could have.
Do you even give a fuck?
No, I don't.

Please enjoy! Comment! Say if you like the story or no! Posting two chapters at the same time! Exciting, isn't it?

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