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Niall paced around his mediocre hotel room; his phone pressed to his ear and shouting coming from the other side.

"I know, baby." Niall tried to put his input in to the conversation, but Louis has a lot more to say; so Niall continued to walk around and bit at his nails while Louis exploded on the other side.

"I don't want to stay here too, but it's the only way to get divorced." Niall said in a rushed voice; his every word shaking like a leaf in the wind.

"I know, I know. It's crazy, but what can I do?" Niall pulled at his hair; he was so mad at Harry, it was all his fault.

"Please come here and support me." Niall pleaded. "I understand that you have work, but you being here will help me deal with this."

Niall barely kept his composure as he listened to the love of his life; he knew that Louis was hurt, but so was he.

"So you will not come?" Niall sighed while tears were dangerously close to escaping his eyes. "At least come time after time. I need to be here and go to these stupid concealing sessions."

After hours of begging and pleading; they reached an agreement; Louis would visit Niall every two weeks for a weekend and during that time; there can't be any Harry; not even a tiny hint of him.

"Of course. Just you and me baby. Like it always was and will be." Niall whispered with relief as both boys whispered I love you forever and always at the same time.

Niall dropped on his bed; tiredness coming over his body; his mind was tired; but his body felt left out so it also screamed tired; that gave Niall no other choice, but to sleep.

Niall was woken up by loud knocks on his hotel door; he shot his head up; a drool stain dried next to his lip; his eyes a bit puffy from his eyes "sweating" and his hair a complete mess.

With awkward steps he went to the door and opened it with a swift motion to reveal a very nicely dressed Liam standing in front of him; a slight smirk present on his lips.

"Hello mysterious stranger." Liam said; while Niall tried to flatten his bird nest of a hair and make himself more presentable.

"Y-yeah, hey." Niall said when he felt more of a human then a hobbo.

"Harry asked me to kindly escort you to your new home for the next 6 months." Liam smiled.

"Kindly? Really?" Niall crocked his eyebrow as he watched Liam erupt in a heartfelt laugh.

"You got me there. But, hey, look at this from the bright side. 6 months and you never have to see him again?" Liam said and motioned for Niall to let him inside; which he gladly did.

"You put my heart in ease there." Niall rolled his eyes and went to get his small suitcase; Niall didn't have a lot in general; but he thought that he is flying to London for no more then 2 to 3 days; and now he is staying here for 6 whole months.

"That's all you got?" Liam said in a sad voice.

"Well yeah. Kind a thought that I am coming here for few days." Niall said in a shy voice; not wanting to tell Liam that this was almost all that he had.

"Well, I am taking you shopping." Liam smiled and took Niall's little suitcase and rolled it to the door.

"Y-you don't have to." Niall felt his cheeks become red as a tomato.

"In fact I do." Liam smiled with a sad smile. "I know what a jerk Harry can be, especially when he is annoyed. And it would be better if there was one less thing that he could be annoyed at. So I will make you the most stylish guy in all of England. Let's go!"

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