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Niall tried to call Louis, but no luck. He knew that he is mad and hurt; and he doesn't blame him; he would be too.

But it's not like Niall is having the time of his life; he might be staying in a luxurious mansion; but it's so lonely and empty here; and the only person he could talk to, made a contract that prohibits them from really talking.

He doesn't even know if Harry is staying here; he probably has millions of other homes and he would rather stay there; then here with Niall.

A strong scent of something spicy hit Niall's nostrils; he inhaled deeply and felt his stomach rumble; if he thinks about it; when was the last time he ate? He can't even remember.

With slow steps he walked to his door and opened it; scent becoming stronger and inviting Niall to follow it to the kitchen; he heard dishes clinking and soft music playing; Kodaline? Niall loves the band.

With quite steps he walked till kitchen and stood in the big wooden arch that separated dinning room from the kitchen. He watched as Harry stood next to the stove; swaying his hips to the song and quietly singing along; he sounded like a angel; Niall didn't want to like it, because it was Harry; but at the same time he liked it, because it was Harry, the cold hearted guy with a voice of a saint.

"What's cooking, good looking?" Niall chuckled at his cheesy-ness; but he could afford to be cheesy, because this was not real; they would never fall in love; they can only fall in hate; if that makes any sense.

"Oh my God! Warn a cook!" Harry said in a low voice; his right hand clutching at his chest; and left hand holding a spatula that had creamy substance dripping on the floor; gorgeous marble floor.

"Sorry. Didn't mean to." He really didn't mean to scare Harry; but maybe he did. Who knows what Niall really wanted to do; maybe he really just wanted to know what Harry was cooking.

"Hope your hungry; because I have to pay for my actions if we want this deal to work." Harry said with a tight lip smile; it wasn't genuine; but it was a smile; it was a start.

"Super hungry. But you still didn't answer my question." Niall said with child like wondering; he sat down on one of the high bar chairs and pressed his elbows on the counter; watching as Harry dipped the spatula in the pan; he took it up and put it against his lips; he blew on it gently; his lips curling beautifully; captivating Niall's attention.

Harry took the spatula closer to Niall and extended it towards him; he nudged his hand a bit and Niall opened his mouth; letting his lips curl around the end of the utensil. He felt the creamy taste of linguini and cream; and mushrooms?

"Mhmm, what is this?" Niall said in a whisper; his eyes closed; enjoying the creamy taste.

"It's just something that I cook occasionally; it doesn't have a name, because I can't cook. So; don't come at me if it's bad. The contract didn't state that the food has to be good." Harry felt his body heat up; he felt embarrassed that in his 28 years of life; he hadn't learned how to cook a single dish.

"Are you kidding me? This is fantastic!" Niall smiled widely and Harry couldn't help, but smile himself; but as soon as he realised that their conversation is to friendly; he cleared his throat and turned around to get some dishes.

Harry didn't say anything; because this wasn't getting too friendly, this was just a civil conversation. Them being respectful and civil; nothing more or less than that.

After cooking the meal; Harry excused himself and left Niall to eat alone; Niall didn't mind it that much; but it was lonely.

After this evening; Harry didn't show up for three days; he had heaps of work and a girlfriend that didn't know about his secret husband. So he sent Liam to check on Niall; not that he cared about his well being; no. He just didn't want him to break or steal something.

"You actually signed a contract?" Liam chuckled as he was pressing at his PS4 controller; trying to beat Niall in a game that he had no understanding in how to play.

"Yes. Kinda controlling if you ask me." Niall shrugged his shoulders and played the game with ease; 3 days of only playing PS4 and eating, and sleeping. Nothing much to do here.

"I know that there are weird things about him, but he has his reasons." Liam shrugged; not wanting to go into details about his friends life.

"My contract states that I can't ask Harry deep, personal questions, but I guess that I can ask them to you?" Niall smiled with mischievous smile; he found a loop hole.

"I guess; but I won't answer them." There goes my loop hole.

"Why not? Do you also have a contract with him?" Niall acted as if he was mad; he crossed his arms over his chest and huffed out air like a small child.

"No." Liam laughed quit loudly as he looked at Niall. "That's just what friends do, Niall. They have each other's backs."

"I know; but he is a bit of a jerk." Niall tried to plead with Liam; but the brown eyed boy just shook his head; little smile playing on his lips.

"He's a jerk to you; not me." Liam smirked and watched as Niall stood up in anger and paced around the room.

"Then why does he hate me so much? Because I am married to him?" Niall started to count different reasons why Harry could hate him so much. "Or is it because I am bi? That's it! He is a homophobe!"

"Sit down, Niall." Liam said in a bit more serious tone. "He is not a homophobe, altho it might seem like it. He is just very private and strict about his life and what happened between you two is messy for him. He gets anxious if he doesn't know things that he should know. And this situation is playing with his emotions."

"Well it's playing with my emotions too, but I am not a jerk about it." Niall rolled his eyes.

"Yes. But not everybody is as carefree and happy as you are Niall. Some people have had things happen; that shape them forever; and not in a good way." Liam said too much; so he just shut up and continued to loose to Niall.

The things that Liam said; they sticked with Niall; and they really shouldn't, because it was not his business. But now he wanted to know more; but he couldn't ask Harry; if he didn't want to break rules of the contract and pay up for that.

So he called his fiancée; trying to get a distraction; but the problem was; it's impossible to get distracted from Harry Styles.

"Hey, pet!" Niall said almost cheerfully; but still careful; afraid if Louis is still angry.

"Hey, Niall." Louis still sounded pissed; just great.

"I was wondering if you could visit me?" Niall asked and held his breath; afraid of what the answer could be.

"Sure." Niall felt happy; but he knew that Louis was not happy; he could hear it in his voice.

"Amazing! When can you come?" Niall didn't want to press on how Louis is feeling; he didn't want to open that jar of problems right now.

"I can ask a free week in two weeks." Louis sounded uninterested; great. "Will your husband allow it?"

"Lou! Don't do that!" Niall felt angry; he was a victim in this situation as well.

"What. I am stating a fact. You say he doesn't like you and stuff; yet he doesn't let you leave." Louis had a point.

"He just takes this judges request serious; he hates lying or whatever." Niall closed his eyes and tried to calm himself down; he didn't want to fight Louis.

"Yeah, whatever." Louis sounded equally annoyed. "I will be there in two weeks; and then I want to see only you; no fake husband, ok?"

"Sure! That's what I want too." Niall sighed. "I love you."

"Love you too." And line went dead; a bit cold; a bit hurtful.

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